Teaching Collaboration for UII Medical Instrumentation course

Teaching Collaboration for UII Medical Instrumentation course

by | Feb 14, 2023 | UTM NewsHub

In 2022, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) through the BioMedical Instrumentation and Electronics Research Group (BMIE RG). The MoU outlined joint project plans for both parties in education, science, technology, and culture.

One activity that stemmed from this MoU was teaching collaboration in biomedical courses. Associate Professor Ir. Dr Eileen Su Lee Ming from UTM has recently been invited to teaching collaboration (co-teach) the UII students on two topics in the Medical Instrumentation course. The electrocardiogram (ECG) topic was delivered to the students on 15 December 2022, while the second topic of Electroencephalography (EEG) was delivered on 29 December 2022. The lecturer in charge from UII, Dr Yusuf A. Amrulloh, had arranged for the biomedical students to attend both sessions online via the Zoom platform. With online platforms, classes can be easily delivered, and information can be shared more easily in an interactive manner.


Teaching Collaboration for UII Medical Instrumentation course

Event poster

Live session through Zoom platform

Co-teach of sub-topic related to ECG

The participants

This partnership is hoped to continue and grow into stronger collaborations in research and teaching for UTM and UII, respectively.


This article was written by AP. Ts. Ir. Dr Eileen Su Lee Ming & Dr Nurul Ashikin Abdul-Kadir


Source: UTM NewsHub

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