Abstracts should be written concisely and clearly (in English, the official language of the event) and in not more than 300 words which summarises the major aspects of the entire paper in a prescribed sequence.

This includes:
1) the overall purpose of the study and the research problem(s) investigated;
2) the basic design of the study;
3) major findings or analysis; and,
4) a brief summary of interpretations and conclusions.

Please download the provided Abstract template and replace the information with your own abstract. Then, upload it using the form below by 31 May 2024. Please name your file as follow: <Name of presenting author_short title> and upload the file in word document.

Please ensure that you have carefully reviewed the theme. The abstract must convey the importance and relevance of the topic to the conference theme.

1. Each abstract may only be submitted once. In cases of multiple entries of the same abstract/paper submission, the latest entry will be selected / kept. All previous entries will be deleted without notification.

For further enquiries, please contact the conference Publication Unit at icagbio@utm.my


We invite you to submit your full paper for the e-proceeeding of International Conference on Agritechnology & Bioprocessing Innovation (ICAgBio) 2024 . The manuscript must be prepared using the Microsoft Word and should be written concisely and clearly (in English, the official language of the event) and not more than 6 pages. Please download the provided extended abstract template and use it to prepare the file.

Extended abstract template

The manuscript must have the following sections:

(i) Title,
(ii) Name of authors with e-mail addresses,
(iii) Abstract, including keywords
(iv) Introduction,
(v) Materials and methods
(vi) Results and discussion
(vii) Conclusion,
(viii) References.


  1. Papers will be accepted for review only if they have not been presented or accepted for presentation at any professional meeting before, and are not currently under review for presentation at another professional meeting.
  2. The paper must be an original contribution that has not been published before and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
  3. In cases of multiple entries of the same abstract/paper submission, the latest entry will be selected/kept. All previous entries will be deleted without notification.
  4. The paper must demonstrate sound research principles and include complete and adequate referencing (In accordance with Harvard style).
  5. The paper should be not more than 6 pages and well written – that is, clearly structured to facilitate readability and free of spelling and grammatical mistakes.
  6. The paper must not contain third-party copyright content.
  7. At least one author must be registered to attend the conference.
  8. By submitting a paper, authors give consent for the paper and authorship details be featured in the conference proceedings.

For further enquiries, please contact the conference Publication Unit at icagbio@utm.my

Paper Review Process for Acceptance

All papers will go through blind review by members of the Scientific Committee. Reviewers may make recommendations for improvement of a draft submission that has received preliminary acceptance. These recommendations must be adequately addressed by the author (or authors) to ensure final acceptance.

Authors must ensure that the modified paper adequately addresses reviewer comments. The revised papers must conform to the format and length requirements. If this has not been done to the satisfaction of the Scientific Committee, the paper may not be accepted for publication in the proceedings.


Abstract Submission Deadline
30th June 2024
Extend the Abstract Submission
Full Paper Acceptance Notification 2 weeks after submission
Full Paper/E-Proceeding Paper Submission Deadline 31st August 2024
Pre-recorded Video Submission
ICAgBio 2024  24th – 25th September 2024


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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM Nexus - Research & Innovation

Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation)

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