Ami Hassan Md Din, PhD

  • Associate Professor
  • Associate Fellow of Geoscience and Digital Earth Centre (INSTeG)
  • Program Coordinator at Faculty of Build Environment and Surveying
  • Research interest: Geodesy; Marine Geodesy; Geodetic Observation

      Areas of expertise

      Dr. Ami research interests in geodesy, marine geodesy, physical geodesy, satellite positioning, radar remote sensing, hydrography, physical oceanography, tidal modelling, geomatics engineering and climate change. Specifically, his research focuses on:

      1. Geodesy
      2. Marine Geodesy
      3. Geodetic Observation



      Utilization of Multi-Mission Satellite Altimetry for Wave Energy with Site Suitability Analysis using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (2024)
      MN Uti, AHM Din, N Yusof, SAA Jairin
      ETASR , DOI: 10.48084/etasr.6791

      Evaluating the Impact of the Recent Combined and Satellite-Only Global Geopotential Model on the Gravimetric Geoid Model (2024)
      NSHN Azmin, MF Pa’suya, AHM Din, MAC Aziz, NA Othman
      IOP Conference Series, DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1316/1/012006

      The Potential of Landsat 8 OLI Images in Coastline Identification: The Case Study of Basra, Iraq (2024)
      H Tahir, AHM Din
      Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, DOI: 10.48084/etasr.6580

      Sea level rise estimation and projection from long-term multi-mission satellite altimetry and tidal data in the Southeast Asia region (2024)
      ML Ahmad Affandi, AHM Din, AW Rasib
      International Journal of Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2023.2297179 1-31



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