Prof Sr Dr Mazlan Hashim

Biography Publications Research ………………………… ………. ………                                                                                                                             
Some of the recent SCI publications (2014 until 2012). For full list of publication, kindly go to the following link:
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.. .. ASTER, ALI and Hyperion sensors data for lithological mapping and ore minerals exploration.
Amin Beiranvand Pour; Mazlan Hashim
SpringerPlus. 2014; 3(1): 1-19
.. .. Structural geology mapping using PALSAR data in the Bau gold mining district, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Amin Beiranvand Pour; Mazlan Hashim
Advances in Space Research. 2014 IF=1.183
.. .. Landslide Susceptibility Mapping at Central Zab Basin, Iran: A Comparison Between Analytical Hierarchy Process, Frequency Ratio and Logistic Regression Models.
Himan Shahabi; Saeed Khezri; Baharin Bin Ahmad; Mazlan Hashim
CATENA, Volume 115, April 2014, Pages 55–70 IF=1.881
.. .. Material Classification of Underground Utilities From GPR Images Using DCT-based SVM Approach.
El-Mahallawy, M.S., Hashim, M.
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 10 (6) , art. no. 6553245 , pp. 1542-1546, (2013), IF=1.283
.. .. Geographical Pattern and Environmental Correlates of Regional-Scale General Flowering in Peninsular Malaysia.
Shinya Numata, Masatoshi Yasuda, Ryo O. Suzuki, Tetsuro Hosaka, Nur Supardi Md. Noor, Christine D. Fletcher, Mazlan Hashim
PLOS ONE, (2013), IF=3.37
.. .. Exploration of Gold Mineralization in a Tropical Region Using Earth Observing -1 (EO-1) and JERS-1 SAR data: Case Study From Baiu Gold Field, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Amin Biervand Pour, Mazlan Hashim, Maged marghany
Arabian Journal of Geosciences, (2013), IF=0.740
.. .. Detection of Chromite Bearing Mineralized Zones in Abdasht Ophiolite Complex Using ASTER and ETM+ Remote Sensing Data.
Mohsen Pournamdari, Mazlan Hashim
Arabian Journal of Geosciences, (2013), IF=0.740
.. .. Detection of Hydrothermal Alteration Zones in a Tropical Region Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data: Bau Goldfield, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Pour, A.B., Hashim, M., van Genderen, J.
Ore Geology Reviews, (2013), IF=2.417
.. .. A Robust Calibration Approach for PM10 Prediction From MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth.
X. Q. Yap, M. Hashim
Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, (2013), 13:3517-3526, IF=5.510
.. .. Locational Accuracy Of Underground Utility Mapping Using Ground Penetrating Radar.
S.W. Jaw, M. Hashim
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, (2013), 35:20-29, IF=1.106
.. .. Automatic Lineament Extraction in a Heavily Vegetated Region Using Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) Imagery.
Hashim, M., Ahmad, S., Johari, M.A.M., Pour, A.B.
Advances in Space Research, (2013), 51(5):874-890, IF=1.183
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