CIPD Colloquium – “Biomimicry: An Introduction in the Built Environment”

On July 4th, 2023, the Centre for Innovative Planning and Development (CIPD) organized a colloquium held in Meeting Room 1 of the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). The title of the colloquium was “Biomimicry: An Introduction in the Built Environment,” presented by Sofiane Madmar, a post-graduate student from the University of Lyon, France. Sofiane is currently interning at CIPD.

The colloquium focused on the concept of biomimicry, which is a method that can be applied in various research areas, including urban planning, environmental studies, and more. During the event, Sofiane explained the definition of biomimicry and its relevance to the field of the built environment.

Biomimicry involves drawing inspiration from nature’s designs, processes, and systems to create innovative and sustainable solutions for human challenges. By studying and emulating nature’s time-tested strategies, biomimicry offers a promising approach to addressing issues in urban planning, architecture, and other related fields. Sofiane’s presentation aimed to introduce the audience to the concept and potential applications of biomimicry in the context of the built environment.

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