Message from DVCRI
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia as a research university plays an important role in the discovery and development of knowledge, technology, and innovation for the benefit and prosperity of society, addressing national and global challenges, adapting to the 4th Industrial Revolution, and finally facing future technology in 2025.
We believe university research and innovation cannot endure, much less thrive in the current status quo. Our responsibility as researchers to address complex societal problems and improve the socioeconomic status of our Nation compels us to rethink our commitment, efort, and strategies in research and innovation. To be ready and to take further steps to command all the challenges and responsibilities, the UTM Research and Innovation Blueprint 2025 was successfully designed and developed.
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia was is constantly working to create a higher education environment, producing a specialised knowledge centre and people who are competent, holistic, balanced, and possess an acute entrepreneurial mind. This Blueprint is another efort and commitment by UTM to strengthen the quality of research and innovation to go forward. By working together in the spirit of our core values:-
Integrity, Sustainability, Excellence and Synergy
it is our hope and aspiration for this research Blueprint to be lived, incorporated and to be elevated as a reference for the UTM community in developing their risk and action plans. I am sure that this Blueprint will steward and strengthen UTM efciency and sustainability in contributing to the prosperity of society through quality and impactful research and innovation. I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to all parties who made this UTM Research and Innovation Blueprint 2025 a reality, from its inception, design, planning, and publishing. Nevertheless, the successful implementation of this Blueprint requires total commitment from all levels of the UTM community.