Research Area
With pool of highly trained personals, we emphasize our research and development; training and consultancy services in the following area:
Precise Surveying and Geodetic metrology (PSGM)
Engineering structural deformation study; dimensional control; automation surveying; natural hazards mitigation and sustainable; underground mapping; reflectorless mapping; optimization of accuracy and logistic in engineering metrology; Intelligent deformation monitoring system; precise industrial surveying and advanced survey adjustment.
Remote sensing (RS)
Applications for natural resource and environmental management including vegetation studies and carbon mapping, remote sensing for land and environmental applications, satellite oceanography, microwave remote sensing and advance mapping, sensor development and Image processing technologies.
Land Information Management and Cadastre (LIMC)
Cadastral survey; accurate cadastral database; multipurpose cadastre and marine cadastre.
Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)
Regional spatial data infrastructure; marine SDI and geospatial accuracy assessment.