27 February 2015- UTM Antarctica Expedition Team, comprised of six scientists has paid a visit to the Malaysian Embassy in Argentina, at Buenos Aires. The purpose of the expedition is to brief the Ambassador, His Excellency Datuk Mohd Ashri bin Muda, accompanied by the Diplomatic Officer, Mr. Ahmad Kamrizamil bin Mohd Riza. The briefing were given by head of expedition, Prof. Sr. Dr. Mazlan bin Hashim, joined by the other expedition members, Prof. Dr. Abdul Hafidz bin Omar, Dr. Mohd Nadzri bin Md Reba, Dr. Mohd Farid bin Muhamad Said, Dr. Mohd Firdaus bin Abdul Wahab dan Mr. Kamaruzzaman bin Soeed. The team also discussed the assistance that can be provided by the embassy, which include on procedures to bring back samples collected at Antarctica to the labs in UTM. The embassy has also kindly offered assistance on fostering collaborations with research centres in Argentina. The embassy has encouraged for this endevour to be continued, and there are many parties in Malaysia that can benefit from this research, not only the higher education institutions, but also the industries. Among the industries pertaining are the oil and gas industries, tourism, and policy development on climate change sustainability.

Discussion with His Excellency the Malaysian Ambassador, Datuk Mohd Ashri bin Muda, accompanied by the Diplomatic Officer, Mr. Ahmad Kamrizamil bin Mohd Riza (fourth from right)

Discussion with His Excellency the Malaysian Ambassador, Datuk Mohd Ashri bin Muda (third from left)

Prof. Dr. Mazlan delivers a UTM plaque as a token of appreciation to His Excellency Datuk Mohd Ashri bin Muda