UTM-Sateera Biotech established a new joint laboratory

by | 11 Jan 2023 | UTM NewsHub

JOHOR BAHRU, 10 Jan – A Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) was signed between Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and a local Johor-based biotechnology company, Sateera Biotech Sdn. Bhd. (SBSB) to expand and strengthen research collaboration between the two parties. The signing ceremony took place at the Institute of Bioproduct Development (IBD), where UTM’s Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Ir. Ts Dr Ahmad Fauzi Ismail was the representative for UTM and Mr Skyler Loh Kok Shen, the SBSB Chief Executive Officer (CEO), represented his company. With the signing of this MoA, both parties have agreed to collaborate on a research project titled ‘Antimicrobial Efficiency and Time-Kill Kinetics of Natural and Microbial Transform Plant-Based Extracts ‘.

“The project investigates the antimicrobial activities of some natural compounds from a patented plant extract of mangrove tree biorefinery. It was initiated by the IBD, a Centre of Excellence (CoE) that focuses on biotechnology and natural products. The new collaboration also includes officiating a joint laboratory and shared facilities at IBD,” said the UTM Vice-Chancellor in his welcoming remarks.

Also present during the ceremony were the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation) UTM, Prof. Dr Rosli Illias; SBSB Board of Directors, Dato’ Wira (Dr) Calvin Khiu; Dean of Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering UTM, Prof. Dr Rahmat Mohsin and the Director of Institute of Bioproduct Development UTM, Prof. Dr Hesham Ali El-Enshasy.

In his welcoming remarks, Prof. Ahmad Fauzi also stated that the MoA is in line with the government’s intention to bring out the involvement of external industry in Malaysian universities.

“I am pleased to witness the commitment of IBD and Sateera Biotech Sdn Bhd to establish a closer collaboration and ties to leverage each other’s strengths in spearheading translational research in biotechnology. I am convinced that this innovative alliance will lead to a new generation of top-notch biotechnology advancements”, said Prof. Fauzi.

Prof. Fauzi (right) and Mr Skyler Loh (left) both showing the MoA document after the signing ceremony held at IBD UTM Johor Bahru.

Prof. Fauzi (left) and Calvin Khiu (right) officiating the joint laboratory of UTM-SBSB at IBDUTM after the signing ceremony of the research collaboration between both parties.

Source: UTM NewsHub

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