Aston Martin Sparks Inspiration for UTM Kuala Lumpur Students

by | 12 Feb 2024 | UTM NewsHub

2 February 2024 – SMART Club, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Kuala Lumpur has organised the SMART Study Tour 2024 (SMARTOUR’24) Programme at Aston Martin. The programme was completed in collaboration with 9 committee members and programme advisor, Pn. Diyana Nabilah Md. Burhan. The committee members involved are students from year 1 to year 3 of the Diploma in Technology Management (DDWG).

Apperciation to Director Program

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The SMARTOUR’24 program was conducted on 23 January 2024 with the aim of strengthen the bonds between all members as well as to inculcate the value of leadership and effective communication skills in all SMART members. In addition, the program is also intended to gain additional knowledge in relation to the subjects they will learn such as marketing, product research and development and operational management through briefings and activities provided by Aston Martin.

With General Manager Aston Martin Malaysia Mr Kumara Sooriar Sivanasan.
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It’s all about how we learn from setbacks.
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Students receive souvenir from Aston Martin group members.
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Appreciation certificates from SMART Club.



Source: UTM NewsHub

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