ANSYS offers a comprehensive software suite that spans the entire range of physics, providing access to virtually any field of engineering simulation that a design process requires. Organizations around the world trust ANSYS to deliver the best value for their engineering simulation software investment.

Simulation-Driven Product Development takes engineering simulation to another level ― the unequalled depth and breadth of our software coupled with its unmatched engineered scalability, comprehensive multiphysics foundation and adaptive architecture set our technology apart from other CAE tools. These ANSYS Advantages add value to the engineering design process by delivering efficiency, driving innovation and reducing physical constraints, enabling simulated tests that might not be possible otherwise.

Thus, the understanding of basic of finite element simulation using ANSYS software and principal in modelling the structures in civil field are important for engineers.

The aim of this course is to inform engineers across all domains about the practical uses of ANSYS, and to showcase the Power and the Ease of Use of ANSYS solutions. The objectives of the workshop can be listed as bellow;

  1.  To introduce principle of Finite Element Method used in ANSYS.
  2.  To understand how simulate and model different types of structures.
  3.  To learn how to perform various meshing techniques, boundary conditions and loading.
  4.  To perform analyses in different situation for structures.
This course will be held on 26th & 27th January 2016 (Tuesday & Wednesday) at Seminar Room, Block M50, FKA, UTM JB, Johor.
Our registration fees as follows:-
1. RM 300 for UTM (staff/students)
2. RM 600 for outside UTM


Please take this opportunity and support UTM CRC’s course by fill in the attached registration form.

For further enquiries, you can call   Siti Asiah (+607-5533116) or Siti Susiaty (+607-5531616) or directly call Dr. Mohammad Amin Azimi (011-12145901).

You could circulate the flyer to your fellow friends from other universities / partners / colleagues to share the benefits this course can offer.

* For UTM (staff / student), we recommended the fees paid using transfer vote from research grant to this course’s vote. Now, we are in the progress of getting the vote number from bursary (in progress).

* We already sent a letter to BEM to get a CPD hour for this course (still waiting for answer).

* The link to course


ANSYS 2 day shortcourse

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