UTM Antarctica Expedition Team Paid a Visit to the Malaysian Embassy in Argentina, Buenos Aires

UTM Antarctica Expedition Team Paid a Visit to the Malaysian Embassy in Argentina, Buenos Aires

27 February 2015- UTM Antarctica Expedition Team, comprised of six scientists has paid a visit to the Malaysian Embassy in Argentina, at Buenos Aires. The purpose of the expedition is to brief the Ambassador, His Excellency Datuk Mohd Ashri bin Muda, accompanied by the Diplomatic Officer, Mr. Ahmad Kamrizamil bin Mohd Riza. The briefing were given by head of expedition, Prof. Sr. Dr. Mazlan bin Hashim, joined by the other expedition members, Prof. Dr. Abdul Hafidz bin Omar, Dr. Mohd Nadzri bin Md Reba, Dr. Mohd Farid bin Muhamad Said, Dr. Mohd Firdaus bin Abdul Wahab dan Mr. Kamaruzzaman bin Soeed. The team also discussed the assistance that can be provided by the embassy, which include on procedures to bring back samples collected at Antarctica to the labs in UTM. The embassy has also kindly offered assistance on fostering collaborations with research centres in Argentina. The embassy has encouraged for this endevour to be continued, and there are many parties in Malaysia that can benefit from this research, not only the higher education institutions, but also the industries. Among the industries pertaining are the oil and gas industries, tourism, and policy development on climate change sustainability.

Discussion with His Excellency the Malaysian Ambassador, Datuk Mohd Ashri bin Muda, accompanied by the Diplomatic Officer, Mr. Ahmad Kamrizamil bin Mohd Riza (fourth from right)


Discussion with His Excellency the Malaysian Ambassador, Datuk Mohd Ashri bin Muda (third from left)

Prof. Dr. Mazlan delivers a UTM plaque as a token of appreciation to His Excellency Datuk Mohd Ashri bin Muda

Lawatan Kehormat Kumpulan Ekspedisi Antartika UTM ke Pejabat Kedutaan Malaysia di Argentina, Buenos Aires

Lawatan Kehormat Kumpulan Ekspedisi Antartika UTM ke Pejabat Kedutaan Malaysia di Argentina, Buenos Aires

27 Februari 2015- Kumpulan Ekspedisi Antartika UTM yang terdiri daripada enam saintis telah mengadakan lawatan kehormat ke Pejabat Kedutaan Besar Malaysia di Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tujuan diadakan lawatan itu adalah pertamanya memberi taklimat perjalanan ekspedisi kepada Duta Besar Malaysia di Argentina, Yang Berbahagia Datuk Mohd Ashri bin Muda. Turut bersama dalam perjumpaan itu adalah En Ahmad Kamrizamil bin Mohd Riza, Pegawai Diplomatik di Argentina. Taklimat lengkap ekspedisi telah disampaikan oleh Prof. Sr. Dr. Mazlan bin Hashim, selaku ketua ekspedisi. Perbincangan ini turut disertai oleh Prof. Dr. Abdul Hafidz bin Omar, Dr. Mohd Nadzri bin Md Reba, Dr. Mohd Farid bin Muhamad Said, Dr. Mohd Firdaus bin Abdul Wahab dan En. Kamaruzzaman bin Soeed. Perbicangan juga berkisar kepada bantuan yang boleh diperolehi melalui kedutaan, termasuk prosedur membawa sampel yang diambil dari Antartika untuk dibawa pulang ke makmal di UTM. Pihak kedutaan telah menawarkan untuk mengadakan hubungan kerjasama penyelidikan dengan pusat-pusat penyelidikan di Argentina. Pihak kedutaan juga bercadang supaya usaha ini diteruskan, dan banyak pihak-pihak di Malaysia yang boleh mendapat manfaat daripada penyelidikan ini, bukan sahaja antara pusat-pusat pengajian tinggi, malah industri-industri juga. Antara industri-industri yang boleh mendapat manfaat daripada usaha ini adalah industri minyak, pelancongan, dan pembinaan polisi berkenaan kelestarian hasil dari pertukaran iklim.

Taklimat oleh ketua ekspedisi, Prof. Sr Dr. Mazlan Hashim kepada Duta Besar Malaysia di Argentina, Yang Berbahagia Datuk Mohd Ashri bin Muda (tiga dari kiri)

UTM Antarctica Expedition Team Has Successfully Conducted Field Studies in Antarctica from 25 Feb -17 March 2015.

We are very glad to inform that UTM Antarctica Expedition Team has successfully conducted field studies in Antarctica from 25 Feb -17 March 2015. The studies include sun photometric measurement for aerosol and coastal water quality sampling; soil, water and sediment sampling for microbiological work; ROV testing under cold Antarctic water; and monitoring of human physiological changes under extreme conditions.

The expedition also include four days of sailing across the Drake Passage from Ushuaia, Argentina to the Antarctic islands, and another four days of cruising back to Ushuaia upon completion of the field studies.

We would like to thank everybody who has prayed for the safety and well being of the expedition team.

News Update: Antarctica Expedition

The UTM-Antarctic research group is currently heading to Antarctica by a research cruise vessel. They transited to Buenos Aires, Argentina before heading to Ushuaia, Argentina. From Ushuaia, they departed to Antarctica. It takes three days to travel from Ushuaia to King George Island, Antarctica. We are hoping that the researchers will have a safe and healthy journey and lots of interesting research results from their mission.


Researchers before departure at KLIA


Program leader, Prof. Sr. Dr. Mazlan Hashim in front of a Buenos Aires mosque


View of Ushuaia from the sea


Researchers are ready to depart to Antarctica



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