UTM Delegation Signs Three Academic Collaborations with China

Beijing, 3-6 Dec 2012 – A delegation from UTM, led by Professor Dr Mazlan Hashim, accompanied by Assoc. Professor Dr Ab Latif Ibrahim, and Adjunct Professor Dr John van Genderen, all from Institute of Geospatial Science and Technology (INSTeG), visited China to discuss scientific and technical collaboration with three top research institutes in field of remote sensing, aerospace and related technology in China: (i) Chinese Academy of Science – Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (CAS-RSDE); (ii) Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping (CASM); and (iii)  Beijing University of Astronautics and Aeronautics (BUAA).

Chinese Academy of Science – Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (CAS-IRSA) is a new Academy of Sciences Institute was formed by merging the former two very prestigious centres belonging to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, namely CAS-IRSA (Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, and the very modern CAS Centre for Earth Observation and Digital earth (CAS-CEODE). The delegation visited the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and met with staff of the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth ( CAS-RSDE).  The academic collaboration was signed by Academician Prof. GUO Huadong on behalf of the Chinese Academy of Sciences RSDE, and Prof. Dr Mazlan Hashim, on behalf of UTM-INSTeG. The focus of the academic collaboration are on: Joint research; Joint publication in high impact SCI Journals; Staff Exchange; Exchange of post-graduate students; research staff; and the Establishment of Regional Centre of Excellence in Remote Sensing and other related geospatial technologies.

The second Agreement signed was with the Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping (CASM).  This will focus on joint research and staff/post-graduate student exchange in such fields as photogrammetry, surveying, remote sensing and GIS, etc. In addition, there may be opportunities for sharing and exchanging experience in the use and applications of UAV’s (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) manufactured by CASM.

UTM delegation was also invited to visit and discuss various aspects of academic collaborations with one of the leading Chinese university for Astronautics and Aeronautics – Beijing University of Astronautics and Aeronautics (BUAA). Both parties agreed to have collaboration in the development and applications of small remote sensing satellite.  BUAA is also noted for their research heritage research in designing, manufacturing and launching of small satellites and aircraft.

Besides these three Agreements which were signed, the delegation also established contact with the Asia Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO), based in Beijing. They met with Dr. Ahmad Talebzadeh, Director-General of the Department of External Relations and Legal Affairs.  UTM-INSTeG was invited to collaborate with APSCO to organize and host an international Workshop on Small Satellite at UTM in 2013 for regional cooperation in launching of small remote sensing satellite of 30 Kg, jointly collaborate with BUAA.  UTM in particular, INSTeG had known for its niche in remote sensing applications namely in satellite oceanography and tropical sensing which will play major role in mission study of this joint endeavor.

The above academic collaborations with three renowned Chinese research institutions will hopeful augers well for UTM’s increasing international network of top Centres of Excellence in Asia.  The official MOUs and respective MOA of specific area of research will be further materialize in the near future.

Bengkel Strategic Planning dan High Impact Publication 2012

Institut Sains dan Teknologi Geospatial (INSTeG) adalah salah satu Pusat Kecemerlangan (COE) yang aktif dalam penghasilan artikel penulisan penyelidikan yang berimpak tinggi. Oleh itu, satu bengkel telah diadakan bagi mempertingkatkan kemahiran dalam penghasilan artikel penyelidikan yang berimpak tinggi serta pengurusan yang strategik sesuai dengan status Pusat Kecemerlangan UTM. Bengkel ini bertujuan mengadakan perbincangan sesama ahli INSTeG dalam menghasilkan sekurang-kurangnya satu artikel yang mempunyai impak tinggi dan besar oleh para peserta yang terdiri dari kalangan mahasiswa pasca ijazah pada akhir bengkel tersebut. Hasil daripada bengkel ini dijangka akan meningkatkan penghasilan artikel yang berkualiti dan pengurusan yang strategik dalam mencapai tahap Key Performance Index (KPI) yang telah disasarkan oleh semua ahli INSTeG.

Bengkel Strategic Planning dan High Impact Publication merupakan salah satu aktiviti tahunan Institut Sains dan Teknologi Geospatial (INSTeG). Bengkel ini telah dijalankan di Tanjong Puteri Golf Resort, Pasir Gudang. Program yang berlangsung selama tiga (3) hari ini, bermula pada 9 November 2012 hingga 12 November 2012 telah dihadiri oleh enam (6) ahli INSTeG termasuk ahli tetap dan ahli bersekutu juga seramai 19 orang mahasiswa pasca ijazah yang berada dibawah seliaan ahli INSTeG itu sendiri.

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