by | Sep 17, 2013 | Activity, Bulletin
The 8th International Symposium on Digital Earth 2013 (ISDE2013) jointly organized by the International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) was held with great success at the Borneo Convention Center Kuching (BCKK), Kuching, Sarawak on 24 to 29 August 2013. The symposium warmly received about 500 delegates consisting of 231 authors from 35 countries, participants from 160 world-wide organizations, 18 keynote speakers from 13 countries, 40 exhibitors from the international digital earth related industry, local media partners and handy volunteers.

We are here! Picture of all delegates in 8th International Symposium on Digital Earth 2013.
The inaugural ceremony was officially conducted by the Padawan Municipal Council Chairman, Mr. Lo Khere Chiang in a symbolic traditional “gong” display and witnessed by Prof. Dr. Mazlan Hashim, the General Chairman of ISDE2013, Prof. John Richards, the President of ISDE, Prof. Dr. Narayanan Kulathuramaiyer, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, UNIMAS, and Assc. Prof. Dr. Abdul Halim Abdul Raof from UTMSPACE, UTM on 24 August 2013.

It is on! Padawan Municipal Council chairman Lo Khere Chiang officiating the ISDE2013 at BCKK Great Hall.
BCCK hosted 231 speakers for oral and poster presentations covering diverse topics under the theme of ‘Transforming Knowledge into Sustainable Practice’ such as earth observation technologies, digital earth vision and innovation, ICT technologies, empowering the community and engaging society, rural informatics forum, hazard and pollution, digital city and green cities, digital heritage, health and biodiversity, marine and coastal environment, adapting to global and climate changes, sustainability issues in forestry and managing water environment for sustainable development. 18 keynote speakers from 13 countries presented the state-of-the-art digital earth topics like building a global earth observation system, next generation digital earth: Earth observation today, national earth observation program for digital earth, big data and digital earth, transparency and accountability on digital earth, and from digital earth to data cities in this 4-day symposium.

Welcome to Halifax! Guo Huadong hands over the ISDE flag to the new conference chair and Saint Mary's University professor Hugh Millward as a symbol to announce Halifax, Canada as a host for the 9th ISDE in 2015 with John Richards, President of ISDE on the left.
In the evening of the second day of the symposium, the symposium dinner to welcome all participants was held at Great Hall A+B, BCKK hosted by Prof. Dr. Mazlan Hashim. All delegates were served with a delicious dinner and wonderful entertainment by a traditional Sarawak dance performance. In conjunction with this symposium, a workshop for scientific publication was conducted by Taylor and Francis. Delegates who were interested in getting insights in publishing in impact journals were attracted by this workshop. The closing ceremony was held in Great Hall A+B with announcements of the next ISDE Summit in 2014 to be held in Nagoya, Japan hosted by Prof. Fukui, of the winners of the international student paper contest and of the host for next 9th International Symposium of Digital Earth in 2015 to be held in Halifax, Canada.
by | Jul 30, 2013 | Bulletin

We are very pleased to announce that Christine Pohl’s promotion to Professor with three (3) years contract in the Institute of Geospatial Science and Technology (INSTeG) has been approved by Professor Ir. Dr. Mohd Azraai Bin Kassim, Acting Vice-Chancellor, following a unanimous recommendation for promotion by the Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Universiti.
Promotion to Professor with tenure is a distinct honor reserved for COE of INSTeG members who have demonstrated consistently outstanding achievements in full research, and/or extension during their appointment as professors. Professor Pohl is internationally recognized for her creative and productive research program. She is also highly regarded by member in the INSTeG as an effective and dedicated researcher. We are very fortunate to have her as a member of our institute.
by | Jul 4, 2013 | Activity, Bulletin
A training course on Tropical Forest Ecosystem was conducted by INSTeG on 29 – 30 Jun 2013. This training course was attended by twenty two participants that comprised of Research Assistants and Research Officers from Tropical Peat Research Laboratory, Kuching Sarawak. The main objective of this course is to introduce participants with basic concepts of ecosystem with particular reference to the tropical forest ecosystem. The definition of various terms related to ecosystem was introduced to enhance participants understanding related to ecosystems. Apart from the basic concepts, participants also learned important aspects of ecosystem such as the structure, process and functions. This course also introduces basics concept of geochemistry with the main focus on geochemical cycles. Life composed of many chemical elements, which exist in the right amount, the right concentrations, and the right ratios to one another. If these conditions are not met, then the life is limited. The study of chemical availability and biogeochemical cycles is important to the solution of many environmental problems. As ecosystem is a dynamic system and changes to the system are normally have an important impact on Earth environment, an ecosystem, therefore, need to be properly managed. Thus, this is not complete if topic on ecosystem management is not included. One of the important tools in management of an ecosystem is the use of new technologies such as remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS). Basic concept and application of these new emergence technologies are also included in this training course. This two days course was conducted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ab. Latif Ibrahim and was assisted by Mr. Tam Tze Huey. Contents of the lectures include; Ecosystem: Basic Concept, Ecosystem Structure & Function, Inputs and Outputs of Nutrients to Ecosystems, Ecosystem Change and Succession, Ecosystem Management, and Application of Remote Sensing to Ecosystem Study.

Group photo between participates and instructor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ab Latif Ibrahim in front of Tropical Peat Research Laboratory

Briefing about ecosystem concept during training session

Trainning session; briefing more detail by instructor, Assoc Prof. Dr. Ab Latif Ibrahim to participates about topic
by | Jun 19, 2013 | Activity, Information

Workshop Introduction
Most people grow up in a very protecting and limiting surrounding. Then, at some point starts the own Personal Development in order to cultivate an own Personality with a stable standing, a good self confidence, the ability to be in charge of something and – if it runs ideal – an intrinsic motivation to do the daily things with happiness and drive. The step into a self-determined life is not happening automatically but needs some effort from the individual and some impulses from the outside. Personal Development is not a phenomenon, which is able to be taught in one session e.g. within a workshop. Personal Development is a lifelong process and for my opinion it is the sense of every individual life on earth. Crucially is not, where and how we decide to develop, crucially is that we decide to develop. We are not able to decide as many things as we would like to. Things happen in life and the difference between various states of development is the possibility to act with the changing situations in a advanced way. This means to be flexible, to be able to accept facts and to be strong enough to change things, which are to be changed. People are very distinctive and so one‘s advantage is another one‘s fear – just depending on the current state of Personal Development. The INSTeG Workshop actually will illuminate, what Personal Development means, wherefore it can be helpful, how one can reach a Personal Development and the most important fact: (1) That Personal Development is a privilege and not a duty. (2) You may develop your own Personality, but it is not a must. It is your own decision!
Workshop Detail
Date : 3rd July 2013
Venue : INSTeG Auditorium, Block T06
Fee : Free Of Charge
– Welcome speech by Prof. Dr. Mazlan Hashim, Director of INSTeG
– Introduction „What is Personal Development“ by Fred Pohl
– Tea break
– Introduction of the human orbit: “Orbit – a concept for life” by Fred Pohl
– Lunch break
– Interactive session “What do I want to develop – Why?” by participants chaired by Fred Pohl
– Tea break
– Small working groups “Planning of further activities related to Personal Development” (participants)
– Reporting to the panel / discussion of results by participants chaired by Fred Pohl
– End of session
by | Apr 30, 2013 | Activity, Bulletin
From 22-26 April 2013 a delegation of our institute participated in the ISRSE35 in Beijing, China. Prof. Mazlan and his team presented their work in various technical sessions of the symposium. The team set up a booth to promote the institute and the upcoming 8th International Symposium on Digital Earth (ISDE8) in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
The conference was very well organized. Around 700 participants from around the world participated in this event. Well known experts and scientists as well as decision makers and politicians gave interesting keynote speeches in the plenary sessions. The INSTeG team used this opportunity to network with international participants and discuss research opportunities and collaborations. As soon as the agreements are settled we will post them here as NEWS.