by admininsteg | Apr 26, 2016 | Information
Congratulations to Dr. Tan Mou Leong who won the best postgraduate student award during the 56th Convocation Ceremony of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) on 22nd April 2016. A “Hooding Ceremony” was organized in the conjunction with this event, and he was hooded by his supervisor, Associate Professor Dr. Ab Latif Ibrahim, for signifying the successful completion of his Ph.D. in remote sensing program.
by admininsteg | Mar 10, 2016 | Information
by admininsteg | Feb 16, 2016 | Information
INSTeG is pleased to inform the appointment of Dr Mohd Nadzri Md Reba (pictured left) as the new Director of the Geoscience and Digital Earth Centre (INSTeG) as of February 1. Dr. Nadzri succeeds Prof Mazlan Hashim (pictured right), who will become Senior Director of Research Institute of Sustainable Environment (RISE) with effect from February 15. |
by admininsteg | Nov 30, 2015 | Information
A very big congratulations to Prof. Dr. Mazlan Hashim and Dr. Jaw Siow Wei who won a gold medal and jury award in the Industrial Art and Technology Exhibition (INATEX 2015) that was held in Dewan Sultan Iskandar Hall, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia from 3 – 5 November 2015. INSTeG had been presented by:
Title of invention:

by | Jun 19, 2013 | Activity, Information

Workshop Introduction
Most people grow up in a very protecting and limiting surrounding. Then, at some point starts the own Personal Development in order to cultivate an own Personality with a stable standing, a good self confidence, the ability to be in charge of something and – if it runs ideal – an intrinsic motivation to do the daily things with happiness and drive. The step into a self-determined life is not happening automatically but needs some effort from the individual and some impulses from the outside. Personal Development is not a phenomenon, which is able to be taught in one session e.g. within a workshop. Personal Development is a lifelong process and for my opinion it is the sense of every individual life on earth. Crucially is not, where and how we decide to develop, crucially is that we decide to develop. We are not able to decide as many things as we would like to. Things happen in life and the difference between various states of development is the possibility to act with the changing situations in a advanced way. This means to be flexible, to be able to accept facts and to be strong enough to change things, which are to be changed. People are very distinctive and so one‘s advantage is another one‘s fear – just depending on the current state of Personal Development. The INSTeG Workshop actually will illuminate, what Personal Development means, wherefore it can be helpful, how one can reach a Personal Development and the most important fact: (1) That Personal Development is a privilege and not a duty. (2) You may develop your own Personality, but it is not a must. It is your own decision!
Workshop Detail
Date : 3rd July 2013
Venue : INSTeG Auditorium, Block T06
Fee : Free Of Charge
– Welcome speech by Prof. Dr. Mazlan Hashim, Director of INSTeG
– Introduction „What is Personal Development“ by Fred Pohl
– Tea break
– Introduction of the human orbit: “Orbit – a concept for life” by Fred Pohl
– Lunch break
– Interactive session “What do I want to develop – Why?” by participants chaired by Fred Pohl
– Tea break
– Small working groups “Planning of further activities related to Personal Development” (participants)
– Reporting to the panel / discussion of results by participants chaired by Fred Pohl
– End of session
by | May 23, 2013 | Information
Today, the outcome of research universities and institutions, employees and project leaders are evaluated by their outcome. This outcome is measured in “Impact”. One of the elements to create impact and, of course, to get research published and discussed is writing a scientific paper for an ISI journal. INSTeG offers regular workshops for interested scientists on impact paper writing. The workshop provides participants with insights on designing a manuscript, writing the impact paper, selecting the appropriate journal and important facts that are considered by journal editors and reviewers, whether to accept a paper or not.