Innovative & Sustainable Infrastructure
International Convention
#1 (ISIIC 2023)
27-28 November 2023
Concorde Hotel Kuala Lumpur
Parallel Sessions
Keynote Speakers
Introduction of ISIIC 2023
We welcome you to participate in the 1st International Convention on Innovative and Sustainable Infrastructure (ISIIC 2023). Aware of current tendencies and ‘trends’ regarding economic challenges and climate change on infrastructure development, Institute for Smart Infrastructure and Innovative Construction (ISiiC) took the initiative for the first time since the establishment of ISiiC since February 2015 involving all five (5) Research Centers to organize this convention.

Important Dates
Full Paper Submission Deadline | 30 September 2023 |
Full Paper Acceptance Notification | 15 October 2023 |
Registration & Payment | 31 October 2023 |

E-Certificate for All participant
Invitation & Call for Papers
Engineers, architects, quantity surveyors, researchers, academics, research students, contractors and developers are invited to attend this convention. The convention highlights a wide range of issues to enhance knowledge, increase awareness and explore new ideas and thinking in structures and constructions. Therefore, papers are invited to address any of the following aspects:
- Forensic Engineering & Disaster Mitigation
- Innovative Construction Materials
- Construction Management
- Natural Resources, Sustainable Construction and Building
- Soil-Structure Interaction
- Geological, Geotechnical and Geophysical in Tropical GeoEngineering
- Climatic and Atmospheric Changes
- Asset Management, Facilities Management and Risk Management
- Asset Lifecycle Costing
- Real Estate Asset
- Architectural Heritage and Planning
- Landscape Heritage
- Urban Planning in Heritage Tourism

Theme of Convention
Creative Ideas and Action in facing Economic Challenge and Climate Change
expresses a wide range of issues to be discussed in the convention.
English will be the official language of the convention.
Join us for 2 days of Talks & Workshops
Nov 27
- 2 Speakers
- Parallel Sessions
- Forum
- Q&A Session
Nov 28
- 2 Speakers
- 2 Parallel Session
- Closing Ceremony
Submission of Full Manuscript
Selected accepted papers and presenters will be awarded Best Paper Award and Best Presenter Award. All manuscripts will be subjected to double blind peer-review and are expected to meet the scientific criteria of significance and academic excellence.
Manuscript(s) can be submitted using confbay.
All accepted final manuscripts will be published in the Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (ISSN: 2366-2557) – Scopus

4 Renown Keynote Speakers
Organising Committee

Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Izni Syahrizal Ibrahim

Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Abdul Rahman Mohd Sam
Deputy Chairman

Prof. Ts. Dr. Edy Tonnizam Mohamad
Faculty of Engineering

Prof. Sr Dr. Kherun Nita Ali
Faculty of Built Environment & Surveying

Prof. Madya Ir. Dr. Mohd Azreen Mohd Ariffin
General Chairman
Forensic Engineering Centre (UTM FEC)

Ar. IDr. Ts. Noraslinda Abdul Rahman
General Chairman
Centre for the Study of Built Environment in the Malay World (KALAM)

Dr. Dayang Zulaika Abang Hasbollah
General Chairman
Centre of Tropical Engineering (GEOTROPIK)

Sr Dr. Nurul Hana Adi Maimun
General Chairman
Centre for Real Estate Studies (UTM CRES)

Prof. Madya. Ir. Dr. Shek Poi Ngian
General Chairman
Construction Research Centre (UTM CRC)
Our Sponsors


Contact Information
Secretariat ISIIC 2023
Institute for Smart Infrastructure and Innovative Construction (ISiiC)
Level 1, Block C09, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 Skudai, Johor Bahru
Johor, Malaysia.