4th International Conference on Biosciences and Medical Engineering (ICBME) 2022

4th International Conference on Biosciences and Medical Engineering (ICBME) 2022

by | Jul 5, 2022 | UTM NewsHub

The 4th International Conference on Biosciences and Medical Engineering 2022 (ICBME2022) organised by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)  and Udayana University (UNUD) Indonesia was successfully held from 21-22 June 2022. The two-day programme was chaired by Assoc. Prof. Dr Azzmer Azzar Abdul Hamid from the Biotechnology Department, IIUM, Kuantan, Pahang. ICBME is a departmental-based annual programme and was initiated in 2016 by Prof. Dr Fahrul Huyop from the Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Science, UTM. The idea of the conference is to encourage a common platform for knowledge sharing, research networking and opening doors to new departmental-level collaborative opportunities among experts in the fields of biosciences and medical engineering. 

The two-day conference was attended by participants from South East Asia and other countries including Pakistan, Turkey, Iraq, Japan and Nigeria. In total there were 114 attendees with 54 oral and 27 poster presenters. The keynote speakers comprised of well-known and established researchers viz. Dr Ravi Thayan, Head of Virology Unit, Institute for Medical Research, Malaysia; Assoc. Prof. Dr Takahisa Yamamoto, National Institute of Technology, Gifu College, Japan; Dr I Nengah Sujaya from the Faculty of Medicine, School of Public Health, Udayana University, Indonesia. The plenary speakers were Prof. Dr Shaharum Shamsuddin (USM), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zarina Zainuddin (IIUM), Professor Dr Thomas Edison de la Cruz (Santo Tomas University), and Dr Ahmad Zahran Md. Khudzari (UTM).  The full programme can be downloaded from the conference website https://conference.iium.edu.my/icbme/

The research findings presented during the conference will be selected for submission as articles in the SCOPUS-indexed Journal of Tropical Life Science (https://jtrolis.ub.ac.id/index.php/jtrolis/login).

The conference was sponsored by Adabi Consumer Industries Sdn. Bhd. and NS Field Sdn. Bhd. The 2023 edition of the conference will be held in Bali in collaboration with the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University, Indonesia. See you in ICBME 2023!

4th International Conference on Biosciences and Medical Engineering (ICBME) 2022
Opening by the Chairman of the 4th ICBME 2022 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azzmer Azzar Abd. Hamid
Officiation by the Dean of the Kulliyyah of Science, IIUM Kuantan Assoc. Prof. Dr Jesni Shamsul Shaari
Keynote address by Dr Ravindran Thayan from Institute for Medical Research (IMR), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Prepared by:

Prof. Dr Fahrul Zaman Huyop (Conference Secretary), Assoc. Prof. Dr Roswanira Ab. Wahab, ChM. Dr. Mohd Firdaus Abdul Wahab

Faculty of Science, UTM.

Source: UTM NewsHub

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