A Student Research Visit to Telkom University, Bandung Indonesia

A Student Research Visit to Telkom University, Bandung Indonesia

by | Feb 27, 2023 | UTM NewsHub

A research visit to The University Center of Excellence for Advanced Intelligent Communications (AICOMS), Telkom University in Bandung, Indonesia, was conducted by one of our postgraduate students, Heimrih Lim Meng Kee, on 6 December 2022 to 20 December 2022. The primary purpose of the research visit is to promote knowledge exchange between Ubiquitous Broadband Access Network (U-BAN) research group from Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics, UTM, and AICOMS, Telkom University.

Heimrih was also able to work on his research topic, “Energy Efficient Channel Coding based on Machine Learning for Smart Agriculture Networks,” while working under Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Khoirul Anwar in Telkom University. During the research visit, he could code a simple QC-LDPC encoder and decoder with the help and guidance of Assoc. Prof.Dr. Eng. Khoirul Anwar and lab members of AICOMS.

A series of activities were also conducted, including an invitation to AICOMS-Q, a workshop on quantum technologies organized by AICOMS, AICOMS special seminar on International Collaboration, and a cultural visit to a local tourist spot.

AICOMS-Q 2022 was a 3-day workshop on quantum technologies organized by AICOMS. It was a hybrid workshop that included local and international participants. There were several keynote speakers during AICOMS-Q 2022:

  1. Prof.Dr.Eng. Khoirul Anwar, S.T., M.Eng, presented a topic on “Introduction to Quantum Error Correction and Quantum Machine Learning.”
  2. Yong Zhao, PhD, presented a topic on “Quantum Secured Network in China.”
  3. Adriyan Bayu Suksmono, M.T., PhD, presented a topic on “Introduction to Quantum Technology.”
  4. Hatma Suryotrisongko, S.Kom.,M.Eng., PhD, presented a topic on “Quantum Machine Learning Applications for Cybersecurity.”

In addition to gaining knowledge from keynote speakers, participants also gained insights into quantum technology ranging from tool installation, basics of quantum computing, quantum error correction codes, and tutorial implementation to conducting quizzes to test participants’ understanding of the material that has been presented.

During the special seminar conducted by AICOMS to increase international collaboration on wireless communication. A golden opportunity was given to Heimrih, who was invited as one of the speakers to share his research topic. The speakers of the special seminars are:

  1. Dr Mohamad Yusoff bin Alias (Overview of Current Research Activities at The Centre for Wireless Technology (CWT))
  2. Gelar Budiman, S.T., M.T. (Quantum Image Watermarking Based on Least Significant Bit (LSB) for Color Images)
  3. Yuyun Siti Rohmah, S.T., M.T (Investigating The Performances of Polar Codes under Atmospheric Turbulence Log-Normal Distributed Channels for Free Space Optical (FSO) Communications)
  4. Heimrih Lim Meng Kee (Energy Efficient Channel Coding Based on Machine Learning for Smart Agriculture Network)

Prof. Dr Mohamad Yusoff is a visiting professor from Multimedia University (MMU), Malaysia, who also visited Telkom University. Dr Gelar and Ibu Yuyun are lecturers from Telkom University. There were sharing sessions and discussions between the participants and the speakers to learn more about each other’s research topics and activities.

It was not all research and seminars during the research visit. There was also some time to visit some tourist spots in Bandung. The lab members of AICOMS were very friendly and invited Heimrih to tour some tourist spots in Bandung. They were able to take some time off research work and do some sightseeing around Bandung.

This research visit was an excellent opportunity for students and researchers interested in broadening their knowledge and further excelling in their field of study, especially in artificial intelligence communications. There are a lot of opportunities and experts at Telkom University, and being able to conduct a research visit helps build the relationship between UTM and Telkom University, which will definitely promote further collaborations.


Prepared by:

Heimrih Lim Meng Kee & Norulhusna Ahmad

  / Razak Faculty of Technology & Informatics

Source: UTM NewsHub

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