Beyond Borders: UTM FSSH Language Academy’s Indonesian Synergy

Beyond Borders: UTM FSSH Language Academy’s Indonesian Synergy

by | Jul 29, 2024 | UTM NewsHub

Language Academy, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FSSH), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) has recently strengthened its collaboration with three prominent institutions in Makassar, Indonesia: Universitas Muhammadiyah (Unismuh), Makassar, Politeknik Pariwisata (Poltekpar), Makassar, and Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang (PNUP), Makassar.

The “Language Academy, FSSH Outbound Mobility Programme 2024” took place from 15 to 19 July 2024, led by the Language Academy’s Chair, Associate Professor Dr. Hadina Habil. She was joined by the Associate Chair of Language Academy, Dr. Nur’ain Balqis Haladin, Research Group Leaders, Associate Professor Dr. Noor Aireen Ibrahim, and Dr. Ungku Khairunnisa Ungku Mohd Nordin together with the Postgraduate Programme Coordinators, Dr. Ermi Ruziyana Md Nordin and Dr. Aida A. Rahman. The contributions of all the academics are invaluable, ensuring the programme’s success.

The visit emphasized the sharing of expertise in language and communication between the two countries, paving the way for collaborative research opportunities among the four universities. This collaboration aims to enhance the employability of Language Academy students through overseas activities, broaden their cultural and social experiences, and raise the international profile of the Language Academy.




A Diverse and Enriching Experience

Fourteen postgraduate students from Language Academy took part in this five-day programme, focusing on their academic and personal development. The participants, hailing from Malaysia, China, Pakistan, and Iraq, had an enriching experience, learning about the diversity of cultures and engaging with emerging research issues from both countries.

Cross-Cultural Programme

One of the most awaited engagements was the Cross-Cultural Programme, which aimed to facilitate the exchange and sharing of cultural insights among the students from UTM with the students from Unismuh and Poltekpar Makassar. This initiative fostered interaction among students, expanded their networks, and strengthened bilateral friendships, endorsed by the Malaysian Ambassador to Indonesia.

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In addition, the students and staff from Language Academy were introduced to traditional Makassar desserts such as Barongko, Lemper, and Pisang Epe, adding a delightful culinary exploration to their cultural experience.

Knowledge Sharing Sessions

The knowledge-sharing sessions conducted by faculty members from Language Academy, in collaboration with colleagues from Unismuh Makassar, Poltekpar Makassar, and PNUP Makassar, were highly successful. These sessions provided valuable exposure to the latest research and opportunities in the field of language and communication, facilitating extensive knowledge exchange with peers and experts from these institutions.

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Positive Remarks

The programme received positive feedback from both countries, especially from the participating students of Language Academy, FSSH UTM:

Surita Mogan, Language Academy postgraduate student (Malaysia)

“It was a fruitful journey, discovering different cultures and mingling with all.”

Kafi Razzaq Ahmed, Language Academy postgraduate student (Iraq):

“We had a wonderful journey. I met and knew good people.”

Khoula Khan, Language Academy postgraduate student (Pakistan):

“I am thankful to everyone for such a nice company. Laughter, fun, and learning together.”

All in all, the “Language Academy, FSSH Outbound Mobility Programme 2024” was a remarkable success, fostering cross-cultural understanding, academic collaboration, and personal growth. The experiences and connections made during this programme will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on all participants, consolidating the ties between UTM and its partners in Makassar, Indonesia.


Source: UTM NewsHub

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