Connect Neighbours, Cashless Network Programme collaboration between UTM and FELDA

Connect Neighbours, Cashless Network Programme collaboration between UTM and FELDA

by | Oct 5, 2024 | UTM NewsHub

In a significant collaboration between Azman Hashim International Business School (AHIBS), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA), the corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme Connect Neighbours, Cashless Network was held on 26 September 2024 at FELDA Mempaga 1, Pahang. The initiative aims to strengthen community bonds through a cashless framework. Officiated by YB Young Syefura Othman, Member of Parliament for Bentong, the event saw the presence of distinguished guests, including Ahmad Syaarani Azulan, Director of the FELDA Mempaga Region, Prof. Dr. Rosmini Omar, Dean of AHIBS UTM, and Prof. Dr. Fauziah Sheikh Ahmad, Deputy Dean (Academic & Student Affairs).

AHIBS team with YB Young Syefura Othman, Member of Parliament for Bentong

The programme was chaired by Associate Professor Dr. Nazimah Hussin from AHIBS and Sharina Mohd Salehuddin from FELDA, an AHIBS alumni. A continuation of AHIBS’s MBA action research project, this initiative demonstrates how the academic programme has been translated into meaningful community engagement. Although she has completed her studies, Sharina remains committed to driving this impactful programme forward for the benefit of the FELDA community. AHIBS UTM is dedicated to initiatives that extend beyond the classroom to address broader societal needs, and this programme highlights how the rigorous academic curriculum at AHIBS UTM can lead to practical, real-world solutions. One such activity was the Perah tree planting, symbolising a shared commitment to environmental stewardship. Dr. Azam Anural Perai, AHIBS Green Manager, contributed to this green initiative as a representation of AHIBS’s efforts in combating climate change and promoting ecological balance.

Food decoration contest with the FELDA Mempaga residence
Planting Perah Tree as part of AHIBS green initiative
AHIBS members and FELDA Mempaga residents planting Perah Tree as part of the green initiative

In the afternoon session, the programme moved to Kolej Yayasan FELDA Pahang (KYFP) with knowledge transfer initiatives headed by Associate Professor Dr. Nazimah Hussin and Norhana Samsudin, the principal of KYFP. The day included memorable activities such as an entrepreneurial workshop and a motivational forum. These sessions provided valuable strategies to help participants stay motivated and overcome challenges in their personal and business lives. Additionally, Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB) conducted a financial guidance session for students, community members, and entrepreneurs during the Tabung Usahawan briefing.

Afternoon knowledge sharing session at KYFP

The day concluded on a high note, with participants enjoying handmade meals prepared by the students of KYFP. The warm hospitality and delicious food created a memorable and fulfilling end to the event, leaving everyone with a sense of camaraderie and accomplishment.

This initiative demonstrates the power of collaboration between government agencies, academia, industries, and communities. By working together, significant progress can be made not only in financial inclusion but also in promoting environmental sustainability and empowering local communities. Special thanks go to all contributors, including FELDA, Yayasan FELDA, FGV Prodata Services Sdn. Bhd,BIMB, Employee Provident Fund (EPF), and CelcomDigi, for their support in making this event a success. This is an example of the GUCI (Government, University, Community, and Industry) engagement model in action.

Source: UTM NewsHub

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