Electrical Engineering Capstone Showcase : Innovating Solutions for Industry and Community

Electrical Engineering Capstone Showcase : Innovating Solutions for Industry and Community

by | Jan 17, 2024 | UTM NewsHub

JOHOR BAHRU, 16th January – On this day, the final-year students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) successfully presented and demonstrated their innovative solutions for industry and community problems during the Electrical Engineering Capstone Showcase at Pulai Springs Resort.

In its 7th iteration, this annual exhibition showcased inventive Capstone projects produced by the final-year students from various disciplines of electrical and electronics engineering, including electrical and power engineering, electronic and computer engineering, control and mechatronics engineering, communication engineering, biomedical engineering, and health sciences. The event served as a platform for academia and industry professionals to exchange knowledge, experiences, and best practices in the field.

The capstone group projects aim to integrate the knowledge and skills acquired by students throughout their undergraduate programs, allowing them to develop solutions for real-world problems faced by industries and communities. These projects serve as a training ground for final-year students to conceive, design, implement, and operate engineering solutions within a limited timeframe of 14 weeks. The successful completion of the capstone projects is a testament to the students’ mastery of their field of study.

This year, a total of 111 products created by 464 final-year students from four programs in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UTM, were exhibited. These products addressed various themes, including sustainable energy, agriculture, food security, sustainable cities and communities, smart manufacturing, robotics, quality education, universal healthcare, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The projects underwent evaluation not only by academic panels but also by 31 external panels from 23 companies, 2 agencies, 2 universities, and 1 school. The event culminated in the presentation of 5 Industry Awards, 47 Theme Awards, and 5 Best Project Awards to outstanding groups that demonstrated excellence and exceptional achievements in product design, innovativeness, quality of work, and functionality.

Student Activity Development, Division of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs & Alumni), UTM. Notable figures from industry collaborators, including Ms. Ruth Foo, Senior Corporate Affairs & Communication Manager, AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.; Adjunct Professor Mr. Lim Lian Chong, General Manager, Flex PTP; Adjunct Professor Dr. James Jeyadeva Govindasamy, General Manager, Alcon Ciba Vision Johor Sdn. Bhd.; Mr. Nelson Wu, Deputy General Manager, Wiwynn Technology Service Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.; and Ms. Kuek Yen Sim, Early Talent Program Manager, Avery Dennison Materials Sdn. Bhd., graced the occasion.

This event received generous support from AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., Flextronics Shah Alam Sdn. Bhd., Wiwynn Technology Service Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., Avery Dennison Materials Sdn. Bhd., Alcon Ciba Vision Johor Sdn. Bhd., Lattice Semiconductor Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., and Efinix Technology (M) Sdn. Bhd.


Source: UTM NewsHub

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