by | 22 Dec 2023 | UTM NewsHub



The notice issued by the administration of KLG Campus Residence on November 1, 2023, is to be duly referenced.

For clarification, K Hotel Sdn. Bhd. is the private operator of the UTM building known as KLG Campus Residence.

UTM is aware of the regrettable discontinuation of student accommodation services at KLG Campus Residence due to unavoidable circumstances.  However, UTM has taken pro-active measures to address the above matter through negotiations with the management of KLG Campus Residence.

 UTM is pleased to confirm that it will continue to operate blocks A and B at the KLG campus for UTM students. However, it is important to note that these blocks will only be open to male students. Female students, on the other hand, can apply for and stay in on-campus accommodation at UTM.

The KLG management will assist in the process of transferring male students from blocks C and D to either block B or A.

Female students currently residing at the KLG Campus in need of on-campus accommodation at UTM, please contact:

 Residence Unit

Business Management Section

Asset Management Division

Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development)

Tel                   : 07-5532549 (Sun ­– Wed: 8.30am–5.00 pm, Thu: 8.30am–3.30pm)

E-mail              :

Website           :

UTM remains committed to prioritizing the welfare of students throughout the accommodation placement process, including the transition from KLG Campus Residence to on-campus residential colleges.


Thank You.


Prepared by:

Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development)

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

22 December 2023

Source: UTM NewsHub

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