By : Nor Idiana Hamidi
Johor Bahru, 31st Jan – UTM ranks second among Malaysian universities listed by the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities (WRWU), January 2023 edition.
Previously ranked at 467 globally, the January 2023 edition has seen UTM rise twenty-three notches to 444.
The Webometrics Ranking of World Universities has been published semi-annually since 2004 by the Cybermetrics Lab in Spain, ranked 31,000 Higher Learning Institutions from more than 200 countries worldwide.
The calculation methodology for this instrument comprises 50% of the total marks coming from “visibility”, which means the high-impact web content with an external website linking to the page, 10% from “top-cited researchers on Google Scholar Profiles” and 40% from the “number of papers amongst the top 10% most cited papers in Scimago.”

For the January 2023 edition, the WRWU has temporarily decided not to use the Google Scholar Citations (GSC) institutional profiles.
Citations from the top 310 public profiles of each University are collected in which the top 30 profiles of the list are excluded for improving representativeness by removing outliers, and non-individual profiles (journals, departments, groups, conferences) are penalized with the exclusion of the whole institution.
The January edition is also in conjunction with the 20th Anniversary Edition (2004-2023) of the Webometrics Ranking. More information about the ranking can be found at .
Source: UTM NewsHub