JOHOR BAHRU, Sept 22 – To engage secondary school students with the wonders of science, a STEM program titled “Seminar Forensik dan Forum Kerjaya dalam Bidang Sains” was organized by the Centre for Sustainable Nanomaterials (CSNano), Faculty of Science (FS), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and co-organized by Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Pulai Jaya, Kangkar Pulai, Johor attracted the participation of 88 Form 3 students from SMK Pulai Jaya.
Led by Assoc. Prof. ChM. Dr. Lee Siew Ling, the program was part of CSNano’s university social responsibility (USR) initiative. It aimed to introduce forensic science as a rewarding career where the love of science can be applied in legal investigations in the pursuit of justice. Additionally, the program sought to foster interest in science among secondary school students, enhance their knowledge in the field of science and raise awareness in the local community about its importance.
The UTM committee members involved were Assoc. Prof. Ts. ChM. Dr. Nik Ahmad Nizam Nik Malek, Programme Advisor; Assoc. Prof. ChM. Dr. Lee Siew Ling, Programme Director; Assoc. Prof. ChM. Dr. See Hong Heng (Vice Programme Director; Ms. Siti Nur Sakinah Ahmad, Secretary; Ms. Nurshamimi Atikah Zareman, Vice-Secretary; Ms. Faradiba Soaib, Treasurer; Ms. Norlita Paiman, Vice Treasurer; Assoc. Prof. ChM. Dr. Roswanira Abd Wahab, Head of Sponsorship Unit; Dr. Naji Arafat Mahat, Head of Program Unit; Dr. Koh Meng Hock, Program Unit; Ms. Nurul Adhah Saini, Head of Publicity Unit; Mr. Shahrul Nizam Mahmod, Head of Technical Unit; Mr. Mohammed Rafiq Aziz, Technical Unit; and Mr. Mohd Shazaril Mohd Zain, Technical Unit. The Centre for Community and Industry Network (CCIN), UTM and Bashob Analytical PLT generously sponsored the program, making it possible to reach a large number of students.
Additionally, postgraduate students serving as committee members and facilitators were Ling Chui Min, Program Chair; Alice Sim Hui Li, Secretary; Tan Chee Chuan, Eng Jia Jia, Liau Ling Shing, Bong Lai Zhi, and Roy Quah Zhi Ming.
A total of 88 Form 3 students from SMK Pulai Jaya participated in this seminar. The knowledge transfer program consisted of three parts, first, a talk “Menggarap Kepelbagaian Sains bagi Aplikasi Forensik” delivered by Ts. Dr. Naji Arafat Hj Mahat, Forensic Science Lecturer, FS UTM, followed by a quiz session, and lastly, a forum titled “Forum Kerjaya dalam Bidang Sains” presented by Assoc. Prof. ChM. Dr. Roswanira Abd Wahab from the Department of Chemistry, FS UTM) and Dr. Koh Meng Hock from Department of Physics, FS UTM.
Throughout the talk, students gained insights into how various scientific disciplines–such as chemistry, biology, physics and mathematics–are applied in forensic investigations to solve real-world problems. This broadened their understanding of the critical role science plays in legal proceedings and justice. The forum highlighted diverse career opportunities in the field of science and inspired students with experiences and advice shared by university lecturers, encouraged them to pursue higher education in science and explore the rewarding careers in scientific fields.
Both the organizing committee and the school staff were pleased with the event’s outcomes. The program successfully motivated students to pursue science and further their studies in the field. There were prizes awarded for the quiz session. This event reflects CSNano’s and the Faculty of Science’s ongoing commitment to promoting science education in local communities and nurturing future scientists.

Prepared by: Alice Sim Hui Li, Siti Nur Sakinah Ahmad, and Lee Siew Ling
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Source: UTM NewsHub