kicked off their first corporate social responsibility program

by | Oct 14, 2024 | Rocket to Fluency, UTM Nexus Care

Date: September 19, 2024
Location: Language Academy, FSSH UTM
Department of Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research & Innovation UTM and Language Academy, FSSH kicked off their first corporate social responsibility program “Rocket to Fluency”, an interactive language improvement initiative, today at the Language Academy building.
Rocket to Fluency is scheduled to run from 2024 to 2026. The program aims to enhance language skills of UTM staff and their children through four targeted sub-programs:
1. Work Talk Mastery: Helping UTM staff improve their workplace communication.
2. The Art of Public Speaking: Boosting high school students’ confidence in public speaking.
3. Language Academy Young Scholars (LAYS): Developing essential language skills for primary school students.
4. MUET Preparatory Workshop: Facilitating participants master the tips and tricks for MUET.
Each sub-program consists of three sessions, offering comprehensive language support for our UTM community.
The first three sub-programs commenced today, Thursday, September 19, 2024. The second session for each sub-program will be held in October and November respectively.
Join us in this exciting journey towards language fluency! For more information, contact Pn Azura (017-6347573) or Pn Raziah (019-7007009).

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