+6 07-553 5993 cacm@utm.my

About Us

UTM Centre of Excellence

 We are committed in our service including research and development on composite materials, and knowledge transfer to the community and industry through teaching, training courses and consultation service.

We provide facilities for research sample preparation such as Filament Winding Machine and Compression Moulding Machine, and testing facilities (Universal Testing Machine, High Energy Falling Weight Impact Tester, and Ballistic Impact Test Machine). We also provide equipment for characterization of polymeric and biomedicals materials.

Lab Testing Services

We offer testing services using our lab facilities and expertise.

Consultancy Services

CACM offers a wide range of consultancy services by our experts in solid mechanic, material science, biomedical, composites fabrication techniques and finite element analysis.

Teaching and Training

We offer teaching and hands-on training courses in composite materials and technology.

Seminar & Conference

CACM conducts seminars and conferences to promote understanding and to facilitate advancement in core disciplines such as micro-mechanics, durability study, structure design and manufacturing technology.

Our Background

The Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM) was first established in January 1995 following an increase in composites research activities at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (now known as School of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering) UTM with the objectives to educate and promote the composites technology through research, teaching, training and consultation to the public. The main scope of activity is to provide post graduate and undergraduate students with the current up to-date knowledge of advanced materials through course programmes and sponsored research projects.

The personnel within the centre include Permanent Researchers, Postdoctoral Associates and Visiting Scholars with specialized skills in solids mechanics, materials science, biomedical, composites fabrication techniques and finite element analysis.

CACM is based on the expertise from several schools within the Faculty of Engineering, namely School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Civil Engineering and School of Energy. We seek to strive on strategic applied research, product development and training through smart partnership with government agencies, local institutions and private sectors.


Our Vision

To become the strategic national research and teaching centre in technology of composites.

Our Mission

  • To promote understanding and the use of composite materials and technology through teaching, short courses and consultation for the interest of public.
  • To provide a synergistic environment for teaching, research and consultation service.
  • To facilitate the advancement in core disciplines such as micro-mechanics, durability study, structure design and manufacturing technology.

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Research Ecosystem
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM Nexus - Research & Innovation

Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation)

DVCRI Profile Johor Bahru Office Kuala Lumpur Office

Higher Institution Centre of Excellence (HI-COE)

Advance Membrane Technology Research Centre - AMTEC Institute of Noise & Vibration - INV Wireless Communication Centre - WCC

Research Institute

Centre of Excellence (COE)

Institute of High Voltage & High Current - IVAT UTM-MPRC Institue for Oil & Gas - IFOG Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics - CAIRO Centre for Engineering Education - CEE Centre for Advanced Composite Materials - CACM Innovation Centre in Agritechnology for Advanced Bioprocessing - ICA Institute of Bioproduct Development - IBD

Service Entity

Research Management Centre - RMC Penerbit UTM Press Centre for Community & Industry Network - CCIN Innovation & Commercialisation Centre - ICC University Laboratory Management Centre - PPMU Institut Sultan Iskandar - UTM-ISI

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