25 – 26 September 2023
PAUM Clubhouse, University of Malaya
IJN-UTM Cardiovascular Engineering Centre (IJN-UTM CEC) as the co-organiser for Asia-Pacific Society for Artificial Organ Congress 2023 (APSAO), that has been held for 2 days on 25-26 Sept 2023 at PAUM Clubhouse, University of Malaya. This event has gathered 24 Guest Speakers, 35 presenters, 13 participants and 5 companies. The Guest Speakers are among surgeons, clinicians and academicians from Japan, India, Australia, Singapore, United States, Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand. Assoc. Prof. Dr Lim Einly (UM) as the Chair of the Congress and Prof. Dr. Kahar Osman (IJN-UTM CEC, UTM) as the Co-chair of the Congress have expressed their gratitude for approximately RM 30,000 funding from JSAO and APSAO, Japan, to organise the Congress. The involvement of National Heart Institute (IJN) as the booth exhibitor and Dato’ Dr. Suhaini Kadiman (Director of Clinical Research, IJN) as the main Guest Speaker have enlightened the cardiovascular research and practice in Malaysia. Besides, Dr. Syafiqah Saidin (Director of IJN-UTM CEC) has also been invited as one of the Guest Speaker to deliver her research talk in tissue engineering area. The Congress was ended with the Annual Business & Council Meeting of APSAO, chaired by Prof. Dr. Goro Matsumiya, the President of APSAO.
Website :Â https://research.utm.my/cardio/
Facebook :Â https://www.facebook.com/ijnutmcardiocentre/
UTM Newshub: https://news.utm.my/2023/10/asia-pacific-society-for-artificial-organ-congress-2023-apsao/
APSAO Website : https://asiancardiac.com/ap23a.html