Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Laboratory

Ultrasonography Laboratory
Echocardiography Laboratory
Signal & Imaging
EMC, ultrasonography and echocardiography laboratories are located at Level 2, Building V01, IJN-UTM Cardiovascular Engineering Centre. These three laboratories are mainly for service and consultation.
Biocompatibilty Laboratory

Biomedical Sciences Laboratory
DNA & Phantom Laboratory
Chemistry & Biology
Biocompatibility, Biomedical Sciences and DNA & Phantom laboratories are located at Level 3, Building V01, IJN-UTM Cardiovascular Engineering Centre. Chemical-based and cell-based research are conducted at Biocompatibility and Biomedical Sciences Laboratories while DNA & Phantom laboratory is associated to one of our spin-off company, E-Life Solution.
BioChip & SoC Laboratory

Actuator & Automation Laboratory
Bio-fluid Laboratory
Computer & Electrical
BioChip & SoC Laboratory is located at Level 4 and Actuator & Automation Laboratory is located at Level 2, Building V01, IJN-UTM Cardiovascular Engineering Centre. Both laboratories are associated to artificial intelligence research areas. While Bio-fluid Laboratory is located at Level 4, operating on simulation-based research.