Assalamualaikum w.b.t / Salam Sejahtera 

 All UTM staffs and students are invited to join the Online Global Classroom as follow:

Program: Online Global Classroom: Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism Management in Realisation of Geospatial Approach

Google Meet Link: 

Date & Time: 23 Dec 2020 (Wednesday), 10:00 am

COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge for tourism industry. The outbreak of COVID-19 has exposed a major risk to Visit Malaysia 2020 campaign. Thus, this OGC focusing on the positive and negative impact of pandemic COVID-19 towards tourism management specifically at local scale. The topic that will be discussed is tourism science and management, the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on tourism community services and finally how we could utilize geospatial approach to improve the tourism management during the pandemic. Dr Muna Maryam is a senior lecturer from School of Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) was invited as a speaker who will discuss on tourism science and management. Meanwhile, our second invited speaker is Dr Huda Farhana is a scientist from Social Forestry Program, Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) who will deliberate on her experiences in tourism community services. Finally, Dr Noordyana will highlight the geospatial practice to improve tourism management during the pandemic based on her experiences.

For UTM staffs and students, attendance will be recorded in UTMSmile. Registration form will be distributed during the session.

Terima Kasih. Thank you.

RISE Talk 2020 : A Virtual Colloquium Series

Hello & Welcome to All,
We are pleased to invite you to our “RISE Talk 2020- Series 1” organized by the Research Institute for Sustainable Environment (RISE), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in collaboration with UTM Campus Sustainability (UTMCS). The details are as follows:
🛰 Topic:
Harnessing Earth Observation System (EOS) Data for Fast-realizing Sustainable Development Goal (SDG): Prospect and Reality
👨🏻‍🎓Speaker : Prof. Sr. Dr. Mazlan Hashim 
🖥️ Join the LIVE streaming at FB : Research Institute for Sustainable Environment – RISE  UTM Johor Bahru /
📅 Date : 29 June 2020 (Monday)
🕓Time : 10.00 am (Malaysia)
✍🏻Registration Link:
📌 Attendance Record (CPD)
Google Form for recording staff & students’ attendance will be pinned in the comment during the live session. 
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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM Nexus - Research & Innovation

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