The Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Water Security (IPASA) is equipped with a Mobile Laboratory, believed to be the first of its kind in Malaysia. The mobile laboratory (picture below) is equipped with instrument and devices that are capable of conducting various water quality analyses on-site that are previously required to be brought back to the conventional laboratory.


In conventional practices, water samples need to be preserved with certain techniques once they are sampled to maintain its representativeness. While some samples can be preserved up to six months, some can only last up to 48 hours. Furthermore, the preservation still does not guarantee the freshness of the samples and problems arise if sampling location is far from the laboratory. In situation where immediate action is needed, fast water quality results are indispensable. The mobile laboratory is designed to fulfill these needs.


The analytical equipment available in the mobile laboratory include ion chromatography (Metrohm), UV spectrophotometer (HACH), water quality tester, optical microscope, BOD incubator, total coliform and E.coli analyzer, and metalyzer for heavy metal analyses. These equipment are capable to analyse different types of water quality parameter.


IPASA’s mobile laboratory is equipped with two power generator sets and air-conditioner for condusive working environment. It is available to UTM researchers and also government and private agencies. Further information is available by contacting the Office of IPASA.


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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM Nexus - Research & Innovation

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