“Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages is the raison d’Ăªtre of this research centre known as Medical Devices and Technology Centre (MEDiTEC). Align with the third goal of the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDG) which is good health and well-being, MEDiTEC inspire to be recognized as the leading research and development in providing a better health standard.”
Ardiyansyah Syahrom, PhD
Associate Proffesor
Director of MEDiTEC

Medical Devices and Technology Centre (MEDiTEC) is officially  establish as a research center in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) on 12 Februari 2019. With the increasing demand in medical devices and technology, UTM entrusted MEDiTEC to lead in research and development as well as producing local medical devices product in fulfilling the government key focus in health care.
Initiated as Medical Devices & Technology Group (MediTeg) as research group in August 2006 with Prof. Dato’ Ir. Dr. Mohammed Rafiq as a founder. After a decade of excellence, this research group was upgraded to research centre , known as Medical Devices and Technology Centre (MEDiTEC), and lead by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ardiyansyah Syahrom.
Our area of interest including orthopaedic implant technology, medical informatics, bio-instrumentation and dental implant. Thus, we aimed to be champion in research, development and commercialisation of medical implants and their related technologies. We believe strongly in the value of interdisciplinary pursuits in this challenging field where engineering techniques and technologies from various disciplines are utilised to address needs within the medical industries and healthcare services. We also provide services such as consultation, workshop, testing facilities and provide new smart implant.
To become a globally referred centre in medical devices
To Conduct Research, Development and Commercialization of Innovative and Competitive Medical Devices Technology
Nich Area