Dr. Norjihada Izzah Ismail
Research Area: Biomaterials, Drug Delivery, Natural Products, Electrochemical Biosensor.
Past Research: Extraction and metabolite profiling of Malaysian honeys/plant bioactive compounds, Physicochemical and antioxidant properties of Malaysian honeys, Nanofibers and membranes for wound healing application, Nano drug delivery of bioactive compounds for cancer therapy, Antimicrobial of nano encapsulated natural products against multidrug resistance, Rapid detection of microbes using electrochemical biosensor
Interested in the study involving natural products (e.g. plant extracts, honey, plant bioactive compounds) and other biomaterials for use in drug delivery to further enhance drug efficacy and biomaterial properties for various applications. Also, has interest in identification and rapid detection of biomarkers via electrochemical and biosensor techniques.