28 Apr, 2018 | About, News, OTEC Event, Reading Materials
Venue : SIME DARBY Program : 11th ASM General Assembly : Sustainability Science: The World We Want For All.
28 Apr, 2018 | About, News, Research, UTM OTEC Programme
Dr Rasaq Olabomi Adekunle has been passed the viva voce with the thesis title “SIMULATIONS OF AN INTEGRATED SOLAR ABSORPTION SYSTEM WITH ORGANIC RANKINE CYCLE FOR SOIL COOLING APPLICATION”. He is the second PhD student from UTM OTEC. Supervised by Prof...
5 Apr, 2018 | About, News, OTEC Event, Research, UTM OTEC Programme
IFK Shaazza Abd Aziz signing to acknowledge receipt of Aceh Governor’s Letter of Approval witnessed by ABJ, MShafiq, Razali & Ratna. Exchanges of appreciation with Governor of Aceh after a successful presentation @Governor’s Office 4 Apr 2018...
3 Apr, 2018 | About, News, OTEC Event, Reading Materials, Research, UTM OTEC Programme
OTEC Malaysia Simpulkan Sabang Punya Potensi Listril Bawah Laut Terbesar di Indonesia Source:...