25 Aug, 2020 | News, Uncategorized
https://www.facebook.com/utmotec/posts/3237669929651939 UTM-OTEC would like to congratulate Prof. Dato' Ir. Dr. A Bakar Jaafar as one of the recipient of ANUGERAH PERKHIDMATAN… Posted by UTM Ocean Thermal Energy Centre-UTM OTEC on Isnin, 24 Ogos...
24 Aug, 2020 | News, Uncategorized
ESTABLISHMENT OF UTM OCEAN THERMAL ENERGY CENTRE (UTM OTEC) UTM Ocean Thermal Energy Centre known as UTM OTEC, was established on 3 January 2013. Emeritus Prof. Dr. Md Nor Musa was its first Director, followed by Prof. Dato’ Ir. Dr. A. Bakar Jaafar, FASc. Starting...
19 Aug, 2020 | News, Uncategorized, UTM OTEC Programme
UTM-OTEC received visitation by Mr. Shinsaku Fukazawa, Senior Representative of JICA Malaysia Office(JICAマレーシア事務所), a… Posted by UTM Ocean Thermal Energy Centre-UTM OTEC on Selasa, 18 Ogos...