Under the umbrella of the International Energy Agency (IEA), there is a Technology Collaboration Programme for Marine Renewables, which includes Tidal & Currents, Ocean Thermal Energy, Salinity Gradient and Waves, championed by Ocean Energy System (OES).

UTM Ocean Thermal Energy Centre (UTM OTEC) under the leadership of Ts. Dr. Sathiabama T. Thirugnana is focusing on the Techno-Economics of OTEC. She calls it as Blue Techno-Economics that tackles all the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Ts. Dr. Sathiabama is also the Malaysia Delegate, Secretariat, and the Chair of the International OTEC Symposium in the Ocean Thermal Energy Association (OTEA). The initial idea of the OTEA was discussed and brainstormed by a group of like-minded people in 2018.

Despite all the current uncertainties from the pandemic of COVID-19, now than ever, there is a huge need for multinational and multidisciplinary activities and engagements for energy security and sustainability. Thus, OTEA was established in October 2020 with these objectives in mind. During its first Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 31st January 2021, the Chair had mentioned the vision and mission of OTEA and encouraged all to always start small and dream big.

To date, there are about 370+ members and observers from around 41 countries and regions in just four months since the establishment of OTEA. The membership is still open and further details can be found here: http://ocean-thermal.org.

Original Post: https://news.utm.my/2021/02/establishment-of-otea-to-promote-otec-for-sustainability-of-mankind/

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