13 Jan, 2021 | News, Research, UTM OTEC Programme, Video
UTM Ocean Thermal Energy Centre (UTM OTEC) has recently developed a virtual reality tool to explain the basic concept of power generation & desalination process in Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) system. The objectives of this project are to promote OTEC...
4 Jan, 2021 | News, Research, UTM OTEC Programme
The 佐賀大学海洋エネルギー研究センター Institute of Ocean Energy, Saga University, Kyushu, Japan is looking for a qualified candidate to pursue a PhD degree in Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Yasuyuki Ikegami, and providing a prestigious scholarship over three-year...
13 Jul, 2020 | News, Research, Uncategorized
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Ir. Dr. Syuhaida Ismail Associate Research Fellow at UTM-OTEC WELCOME TO UTM-OTEC! UTM-OTEC would like to announce the latest appointment of Associate Professor Ts. Ir. Dr. Syuhaida Ismail as our Associate Research Fellow for the duration of...
18 Apr, 2019 | News, OTEC Event, Research
From left: Dr.Sathiabama, Prof. Ir. Dr. Abu Bakar Jaafar (UTM OTEC Director), Shinsaku Fukazawa (JICA officer), Esther Cheng (JICA officer), Associate Prof. Dr. Bambang Boroto and Mr. Abdul Shukur Bin...
15 Apr, 2019 | About, News, OTEC Event, Research
Mr Kamil Kushairi, Prof Dato’ Ir Dr ABakar Jaafar, Gu Yongming, John Jiang Fei and Tian Hao