Satellite Awareness Day 2023

KUALA LUMPUR, 17 Jan – The Defense Cyber ​​and Electromagnetic Division (BSEP) for the first time has been organised Satellite Awareness Day 2023 on 17 and 18 January 2023 at the Binary Auditorium, Haigate ATM Complex. This program is a joint initiative between the Defense Industry Division (BIP) of the Ministry of Defense and Airbus.

This program aims to attract interest and give awareness about satellite and space technology to the people of the Ministry of Defence, government agencies, universities and schools. Indirectly, this program can empower Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM) members, especially in the aspect of satellite communication as well as the Cyber ​​Electromagnetic domain.

Throughout the two-day program that will be implemented, there are various activities provided, including scientific discussions in the form of a forum by an invited panel as well as exhibitions from government agencies and local industries.
Among the topics of the forum and scientific discussions that were highlighted were Satellite Application in National Security Domain, The Journey of New Space Company (FEMTO Satellite), MEASAT- The Booster Partner for MAF Satellite Communication & Capability, Current Trends in Space Industry, Commercial Hosted Military Payload, Defense Geospatial Information Management (DGIM), Smallsat Technology State-of-art for Future Satellite, Rocket Propulsion Element, The Challenge of Delivering Content Through Satellite Network and Evolution of Terrestrial and Satellite in Microwave Technology.
It is hoped that the Satellite Awareness Day 2023 program will achieve its goals and objectives and run smoothly.

In conjunction with this event, Prof. Dr. Jafri Din and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Razali Ngah has been invited to give a sharing session and professional talk regarding Role of Satellite in 6G and Poin-to-point Communication in Integrated-Aerial Future Network: Propagation and Future Challenges.

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