5G Seminars: “Beyond Imiginatios” for application Pahang Go

Prof. Dr. Tharek Abdul Rahman attended the 5G Seminars: “Beyond Imiginatios” for application Pahang Go that was held at Auditorium UCYP, Kampus Utama Tanjung Lumpur. Prof. Dr. Tharek Abdul Rahman was present to share his views and insights on 5G.

The event was held in front of 300 participants from the industry and students of the Institute of Higher Education (IPT) around Pahang and officiated by Pahang State Science, Technology, Green Technology, Communications and Multimedia Committee Chairman DB ‘Dato’ Mohammad Fakhruddin Bin Mohd Ariff. .

This seminar is an initiative of the UCYP Faculty of Science & Technology for the purpose of fostering and raising awareness of 5G technology that will be implemented by 2022 for Institute of Higher Education (IPT) students and industry residents. In addition, the seminar was co-sponsored by the giant telecommunications equipment company HUAWEI Technology (Malaysia) and received full support from the Malaysian Communications & Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in providing exposure to the industry as well as students and IPT students.

Among the objectives of this seminar are to:

  • Provides awareness of 5G technology knowledge and issues
  • Strengthen relationships between industry partners and academic institutions
  • To work with industry partners on academic related programs
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