Postgraduate PhD
Daeng Siti Maimunah bt Ishak
Year: 2017 Ongoing
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ahmad Khairi Abd Wahab
Research Title: Improvement of Ecological Niche Model for Tropical Mangrove Seeding Distribution
Muhammad Abdul Hakim bin Muhamad
Year: 2017 Ongoing
Supervisor: Dr. Zoraimi Bin Che Hassan
Research Title: Determination of Suitable Classification Method for Shalow Water Seagrass Habitat Mapping
Yannie anak Benson
Year: 2016 Ongoing
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ahmad Khairi Abd Wahab
Research Title: Effect of Sea Level Rise on Wave Interaction at Coastal Protection Structure
Nur Athirah binti Mohamad
Year: 2016 Ongoing
Supervisor: Dr. Mohamad Hidayat bin Jamal
Research Title: Comparison of Erosion Rate and New Erosion Control Strategy within Different Land Use in Kelantan
Ahmad Hadi bin Mohamed Rashidi
Year: 2016 Ongoing
Supervisor: Dr. Mohamad Hidayat bin Jamal
Research Title: Effect of Coastal Structure to Beach Scour
Nor Suhaila binti Rahim
Year: 2015 Ongoing
Supervisor: Dr. Mohamad Hidayat bin Jamal
Research Title: Beach Profile Change in the Intertidal Zone
Walid Ayad Negrat
Year: 2015 Ongoing
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ahmad Khairi Abd Wahab
Research Title: Design of Flushing Culvert to Improve Retention Time in Small Harbours
Lee Hooi Che
Year: From 2014 “Completed 2019″
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ahmad Khairi Abd Wahab
Research Title:
Zainab binti Mohamed Yusof
Year: 2014 Ongoing
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ahmad Khairi Abd Wahab
Research Title: Sediment Transport Modelling of a Breachinf Embankment
Reza Nasrollahpour
Year: 2013 Ongoing
Supervisor: Dr. Mohamad Hidayat bin Jamal
Research Title: Density Currents Propagating Over Obstacles
Alireza Yasi
Year: 2012 Ongoing
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ahmad Khairi Abd Wahab
Research Title: Wave and Current Reduced Scour Around Submarine Pipelines
Soheil Saeed Far
Year: From 2012 Completed 2017
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ahmad Khairi Abd Wahab
Research Title: The Role of Threshold Value for Determining Significant Wave Height and Depth of Similarity
Mazlin bte Jumain
Year: 2012 Ongoing
Supervisor: Dr. Zulhilmi bin Ismail
Research Title: Determination of Flow Characteristics in Vegetated Floodplain Compound Straight Channel with Fixed and Mobile Beds
Abdul Halim bin Abdul Shukor Lim
Year: 2010 Ongoing
Supervisor: Dr. Zulhilmi bin Ismail
Research Title: Modelling Effect of Vegetation in Meandering Compound Channel
Norasman bin Othman
Year: From 2010 Completed 2019
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ahmad Khairi Abd Wahab
Research Title: Seasonal Variations of Swash Zone Sediment Transport on Sandy Beach
Postgraduate Master's
Raihanah binti Rusmadi
Year: 2018 Ongoing
Supervisor: Dr. Rozaimi bin Che Hassan
Research Title: Classification Method of Marine Habitat Using Object-based Image Analysis
Shahrin Amizul bin Samsudin
Year: 2016 Ongoing
Supervisor: Dr. Rozaimi bin Che Hassan
Research Title: Predictive Modelling for Coral Species Distribution in Marine Protected Area Using Multibeam Sonar
Hazamy binti Mohd Suhaimi
Year: 2016 Ongoing
Supervisor: Dr. Mohamad Hidayat bin Jamal
Research Title: Mangrove Habitat and River Shoreline Erosion Due to Sea Level Rise Kilim Geopark Langkawi
Nor Hidayah binti Halid
Year: 2016 Ongoing
Supervisor: Dr. Mohamad Hidayat bin Jamal
Research Title: Sediment Characteristics and Grainsize Distribution of Desaru Beach Johor
Nur Rashidah binti Ibrahim
Year: 2016 Ongoing
Supervisor: Dr. Mohamad Hidayat bin Jamal
Research Title: Rainfall Runoff Modelling Using Geographic Information System