The Centre for Sustainable Nanomaterials (CSNano) is one of the Centres of Excellence (COE) under Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research (ISI-SIR), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. CSNano is an interdisciplinary research and educational centre focused on fostering the advancement of materials science at ISI-SIR, UTM. CSNano fosters the scientific and technical breadth of materials science, which spans research areas including inorganic antimicrobial materials, heterogeneous catalysts, porous nanomaterials, nano/molecular photochemistry, analytical science, separation chemistry, and quantum chemistry.


To be a leading centre of excellence in nanomaterials through innovative research, publications, product development and service to the community both locally and internationally


To lead the advancement of knowledge through development of innovative research for sustainable nanomaterials

  • To conduct innovative research and provide training and consultancy in the areas of nanomaterials
  • To develop new technology and products for sustainable nanomaterials
  • To establish local and international collaborations with leading industries and institutions
  • To develop state-of-the-art facilities to establish a strong foundation for research and consultancy
  • To produce highly-trained people to serve the nanotechnology industry and other related industries and government agencies

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

UTM is a leading innovation-driven entrepreneurial research university in engineering, science and technology.

Faculty of Science

FS is also important in the network of education systems at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and has contributed significantly in science and mathematics.

Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation

MOSTI provides repository for strategic STI information to facilitate Science and Technology communities needs through good knowledge management practice.


National Nanotechnology Centre

NNC serves as the National Focal Point for the coordination of research, development and all related activities of nanotechnology in Malaysia.

National Nanotechnology Laboratory Network (RMNK)

The RMNK initiative is to establish a network of research infrastructure institutions that can be used in collaboration for the development of scientific innovation with high-tech equipment and supported by experienced researchers and technologists.

Malaysian Science and Technology Information Centre (MASTIC)

MASTIC provides repository for strategic STI information to facilitate S&T communities’ needs through good knowledge management practice.



Mesyuarat JK OSHE CSNano Bil.2/2020

Tarikh    : 1 September 2020 (Selesa)  Masa     : 3.00 petang sehingga selesai Tempat : Bilik Mesyuarat Al-Khindi, Aras 4, T02, UTM JB   Agenda Mesyuarat : a. Kata-kata aluanb. Tugasan baru setiap unit OSHEc. Update tugasan setiap unit OSHEd. Lain- lain hal...

Mesyuarat Penyelidikan Bil.1/2020

Tarikh    : 13 Julai 2020 (Isnin) Masa     : 9.00 pagi hingga selesai Tempat : Google Meet   Agenda Mesyuarat : 1. Aluan Pengerusi2. Profil Keahlian Terkini CSNano3. Perancangan Program CSNano 2020 – Hasil Perbincangan Bengkel PerancanganStrategik & Halatuju...

Mesyuarat JK OSHE CSNano Bil.1/2020

Tarikh    : 6 Julai 2020 (Isnin)  Masa     : 9.00 pagi sehingga selesai Tempat : Bilik Mesyuarat Al-Khindi, Aras 4, T02, UTM JB   Agenda Mesyuarat : 1. Aluan pengerusi2. Lantikan AJK OSHE CSNANO untuk sesi 2020-20223. Aktiviti OSHE CSNANO4. Hal-hal lain5. Penutup...

Mesyuarat JKP CSNano Bil.3/2020

Tarikh    : 21 Jun 2020 (Ahad) Masa     : 2.30 - 4.30 Petang    Tempat : Webex Meeting   Agenda Mesyuarat : 1. Aluan Pengerusi2. Kelulusan Minit Mesyuarat JKP CSNano Bil.2/20203. Perkara-perkara berbangkit Minit Mesyuarat JKP CSNano Bil.2/20204. Hal-hal lain5....

Tahniah Pelantikan Pentadbir Baharu Fakulti Sains Sesi 2021/2024

Warga CSNano ingin mengucapkan Tahniah kepada Pentadbir Baharu Fakulti Sains Sesi 2021/2024 yang dilantik berkuatkuasa mulai 1 Julai 2021 seperti senarai berikut. TAHNIAH dan SELAMAT MENJALANKAN TUGAS buat semua. Ikhlas daripada Warga Kerja...

Retirement – Prof. ChM. Dr. Abdull Rahim

The CSNano would like to show our warmest appreciation to Prof. ChM. Dr. Abdull Rahim Mohd Yusoff Dean Faculty of Science and CSNano Fellow Researcher, for almost 37 years of hard work and dedication. We wish prof. Rahim a long and enjoyable retirement!

Kursus Latihan Penyediaan dan Pembuatan Video Staf CSNano

Kursus Penyediaan dan Pembikinan Video menggunakan PowerPoint, secara atas talian. Kursus ini telah memberi pendedahan kepada semua staf CSNano berkaitan langkah penyediaan dan pembikinan video yang mudah dan menarik dengan hanya menggunakan PowerPoint.

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Contact Us

Level 1, Block N31, Centre for Sustainable Nanomaterials (CSNano), Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research (ISI-SIR), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.




Copyright © 2023 | Centre for Sustainable Nanomaterials

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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM Nexus - Research & Innovation

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Advance Membrane Technology Research Centre - AMTEC Institute of Noise & Vibration - INV Wireless Communication Centre - WCC

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Centre of Excellence (COE)

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