Terms and Conditions for Science Experimental Video Competition
Entry Requirements and Video Format:
- Participation is FREE to the high school students involved.
- Each entry must meet the given theme/ title (SCIENCE IS FUN). You may refer to your textbook for the selection of the experiment title.
- The participation shall be in a group of 3 – 5 students and each participation can only submit one entry video
- Short video entries must include the Group Name, Participants’ Name, Participants’ IC Number, Participants’ Class and Experiment Title.
- The video produced must be within 3 minutes in length.
- Short videos are students’ own work and recorded activities are performed at home.
- The video must have a brief description of the science activities/experiments conducted.
- Entries are allowed in Bahasa Malaysia or English.
- Every group member should be present in the video as it would show the teamwork spirit within the group.
- Participants must use their own recording equipment either using a smartphone/video recorder to produce a video where acting scenes or other additional elements are allowed based on their creativity.
- The specified video formats are *.mov, *.avi and *.mp4 only.
- Entry videos shall be uploaded to their own YouTube channel (upload to ONE account only) with privacy set as public. The YouTube link shall be submitted to https://forms.gle/Wyiiq4j9WsRfjDTD7, by 26th September 2021 (Sunday), 11.59 pm.
- All the submitted videos will be uploaded to the CSNano FB Page by the program committee for the “Most Popular Video” award competition.
- 1 most popular video will be selected based on the ‘LIKE’ counts in CSNano FB Page in the duration of 1st October 2021 to 7th October 2021.
- 6 best videos will be selected by the judges. Judges’ decision will be final. Every winner will be awarded a winning certificate and prize.
- Content – 40%
- Creativity – 20%
- Organization – 10%
- Presentation Techniques – 20%
- Perticipation in Talks and Workshop– 10%