Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yazid Bin Idris
Niche Area : Software Engineering, Cloud Computing and Network Security
Recent Projects
- Project Leader, HSSE Scheduled Waste e- Tracking System (SWeT). UMW Private Contract Research.R.J130000.7609.4C472
- Project Leader, The Development of UMW Health, Safety and Environment Software for Industrial 4.0 Transformation.
UMW Private Contract Research. R. J130000.7609.4C261 - Project Leader, MRUN 5.2: Gamification Plaatform User Data and Content Security Using Blockchain Technology for Univesity 4.0 MRUN Grant. R.J130000.7851.4L872
1. UMW
Recent Publications
- M. Agus Syamsul Arifin, Deris Stiawan, Susanto, Mohd Yazid Idris, Rahmat Budiarto (2021). Machine Learning Approach for Port Scanning Acitiviy Detection on SCADA Network. IEEE Access
- Deris Stiawan; Ahmad Heryanto; Ali Bardadi; Dian Palupi Rini; Imam Much Ibnu Subroto; Kurniabudi; Mohd Yazid Idris (2021). An Approach for Optimizing Ensemble Intrusion Detection Systems. IEEE Access, Vol 9, pp 6930 – 6947.
- Muhammad Sulkhan Nur Fatih; Mohd Yazid bin Idris; Deris Stiawan, Eko Arip Winanto (2021). Enhancing Trust Model of Information Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks Through Blockchain Consensus Algorithm. 2020 3rd International Conference on Information and Communications Technology (ICOIACT). pp 487-492.
- Eko Arip Winanto; Mohd Yazid bin Idris; Deris Stiawan; Muhammad Sulkhan Nur Fatih; Sharipuddin (2021). PoAS: Enhanced Consensus Algorithm for Collaborative Blockchain Intrusion Detection System. 2020 3rd International Conference on Information and Communications Technology (ICOIACT). pp 513-518.
- Muhammad Younas, Dayang, Mohd Yazid Idris, Ahmad Kamil Mahmood, Mohammad Nazir Ahmad (2020). Agile Software Development Using Cloud Computing: A Case Study. IEEE Access. Vol. 8, pp 4475- 4484.
- Deris Stiawan, Mohd Yazid Idris, Rahmat Budiarto, Kurniabudi, Alwi M. Bamhd, Darmawijoyo (2020). CICIDS-2017 Dataset Feature Analysis With Information Gain For Anomaly Detection. IEEE Access. Vol. 8, pp 132911-132921.
- Rafiq Ahmad Khan ,Mohd. Yazid Idris, Siffat Ullah Khan, Muhammad Ilyas, Sikandar Ali, Aziz Ud Din, Ghulam Murtaza, Abdul Wahid Khan, Seed Ullah Jan (2019). An Evaluation Framework For Communication And Coordination Processes In Offshore Software Development Outsourcing Relationship: Using Fuzzy Methods. IEEE Access. Vol. 7, pp 112879-112906.
- Deris Stiawan, Mohd. Yazid Idris, Rahmat Budiarto, Ahmad Heryanto, Samsuryadi, Dimas Wahyudi, Mohammed Abdullah Alzahrani (2019). TCP Fin Flood Attack Pattern Recognition On Internet Of Things With Rule Based. International Journal Of Online And Biomedical Engineering (IJOE). Vol. 15 Num. 7, pp 124-139.
- Deris Stiawan, Mohd. Yazid Idris, Rahmat Budiarto, Reza Firsandaya Malik, Siti Nurmaini, Nizar Alsharif (2019). Investigating Brute Force Attack Patterns In Iot Network. Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering, Vol 2019, pp 1-13.
SCOPUS Journal
Susanto Susanto, M. Agus Syamsul Arifin, Deris Stiawan, Mohd. Yazid Idris, Rahmat Budiarto (2021). The Trend Malware Source Of Iot Network. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol 22, Num. 1, pp . 450-459.
- Eko Arip Winanto, Mohd Yazid Idris, Deris Stiawan ,Mohammad Sulkhan Nurfatih (2021). Designing Consensus Algorithm For Collaborative Signature-based Intrusion Detection System. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol 22, Num. 1, pp 485-496.
- Chan Vei Siang, Farhan Mohamed, Mohd Yazid Idris, Mohd Sharizal Bin Sunar, Ali Bin Selamat,Ira Wirasari (2020). Optimal Parameters for Modified Butterfly Interpolation Scheme Inspired Configurations as Hole-filling Method in 3D Volume Reconstruction. 2020 IEEE Graphics and Multimedia (GAME), Vol 1, Num 3, pp 28-40.
- Kurniabudi, Mohd Yazid Idris, Deris Stiawan, Rahmat Budiarto, Darmawijoyo, Sharipuddin, Benni Purnama, Eko Arip Winanto (2020). Features Extraction On IoT Intrusion Detection System Using Principal Components Analysis (PCA). International Conference On Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences And Informatics (EECSI), Vol 7, Num. 1, pp 114-118.
- Susanto, Mohd Yazid Idris, Deris Stiawan, M.Agus Syamsul Arifin, Rahmat Budiarto (2020). IoT Botnet Malware Classification Using Weka Tool And Scikit- Learn Machine Learning. International Conference On Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences And Informatics (EECSI), pp 15-20.
- Rafiq A.Khan, Mohd. Yazid Idris, Siffat U Khan, Muhammad Ilyas (2020). The State Of The Art On Secure Software Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp 487-492.
- Deris Stiawan, Mohd. Yazid Idris, Kurniabudi, Rahmat Budiarto, Darmawijoyo, Abdul Haris, Albertus Edward Mintaria (2020). Improving The Anomaly Detection By Combining PSO Search Methods and J48 Algorithm. International Conference On Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences And Informatics (EECSI), Vol 7, Num. 1, pp 119-126.
- Deris Stiawan, Mohd. Yazid Idris, Farkhana Binti Muchtar, Ahmad Heryanto, Tri Wanda Septian, Rahmat Budiarto, Diky Aryandi (2019). Behavior Pattern Recognition Of Game Dragon Nest Using Bloom Filter Method. International Journal Of Communication Networks And Information Security, Vol 11, Num. 1, pp 128-133.
- Mohd Yazid Idris, Rafiq Ahmad Khan, Junfeng Wang, Muhammad Arif, Siffat Ullah Khan (2015). An Exploratory Study of Communication and Coordination Challenges in Offshore Software Development Outsourcing: Results of Systematic Literature Review and Empirical Study. Science International. Vol. 5, Num. 28. pp. 4819-4836.
- Mohd Yazid Idris (2015). Telkomnika Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics And Control. ATLAS: Adaptive Text Localization Algorithmin High Color Similarity Background. Vol. 3, Num. 13. pp.
- Deris Stiawan, Mohd Yazid Idris, Md. Sah Hj Salam and Abdul Hanan Abdullah (2012). Intrusion Threat Detection from Insider Attack Using Learning Behavior- Based. International Journal of the Physical Sciences (IJPS). Vol. 7, Num. 4. pp. 624 – 637.
- Kamalrulnizam Abu Bakar, Mohd. Yazid Bin Idris, Abdul Hanan Bin Abdullah, Abdul Samad Ismail, Raja Zahilah, Ahmad Fadhil Bin Yusof, Mohd. Murtadha Bin Mohamad, Zuhaimy Bin Ismail, Ahmad Che Yaacob, Tasneem S. J. Darwish, Ahmed Aliyu, Herman Yuliansyah, Gen Matsuda, “Review Of Existing Shariah- Compliant Cryptocurrency”, 4th International Halal Conference (INHAC) 2019, Osaka, April 22-23 2019, pp 1-10.
- Kamalrulnizam Abu Bakar, Mohd. Yazid Bin Idris, Abdul Hanan Bin Abdullah, Abdul Samad Ismail, Raja Zahilah, Ahmad Fadhil Bin Yusof, Mohd. Murtadha Bin Mohamad, Zuhaimy Bin Ismail, Ahmad Che Yaacob, Tasneem S. J. Darwish, Ahmed Aliyu, Herman Yuliansyah, Gen Matsuda, “A Comparative Analysis Of Blockchain Consensus Algorithms From Shariah Perspective”, 4th International Halal Conference (INHAC) 2019, Osaka, April 22-23 2019, pp 1-10.
- Mohd. Yazid Idris, Deris Stiawan, Nik Mohd Habibullah, Abdul Hadi Fikri, Mohd Rozaini Abd Rahim, Massolehin Dasuki, “IoT Smart Device for e-Learning Content Sharing onHybrid Cloud Environment”, 4th International Conference On Electrical Engineering, Computer Science And Informatics, Jogjakarta, September 19-21 2017, pp. 25-29.
- Mohd Yazid Idris, An Efficient On-Line Hurst Parameter Estimator for Detecting Volume-Based Network Intrusion Attacks. UTM, PhD Thesis (2008)
- Safaai, Paridah, Dayang, Wan Mohd Nasir, Mohd Yazid dan Rozlina (2002), Software Engineering Supplementary Book , Mc Graw Hill.
- Suhaimi, Mohd Yazid, Paridah, Wan Mohd Nasir dan Rozlina (1999). Kejuruteraan Perisian, Penerbit UTM
- Mohd Yazid (2005), Ensiklopedia Sains dan Teknologi – Teknologi Maklumat – Prototaip Perisian – Penerbit UTM _ Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP).
- Mohd Yazid, Safaai, Paridah, Dayang, Wan Mohd Nasir dan Rozlina (2002), Software Engineering Supplementary Book, Mc Graw Hill.
Zohair Ihsan, Mohd Yazid Idris, Deris Stiawan, Khalid Husain (2011). Protocol Share Based Traffic Rate Analysis (PSBTRA) for UDP Bandwidth Attack. Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), Informatics Engineering and Information Science, Springer Vol. 251, pp 275-289.
- Maqsood Mahmud, Mohd Yazid Idris, Abdulrahman, Ihsan Ullah, Abdul Hanan Abdullah (2010). Enhance Technique for Secure Wireles Sensor Routing With Respect of Energy Conservasion. Future Generation Information Technology, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Vol. 6485, pp. 376-382.
- Mohd Yazid Idris, Abdul Hanan Abdullah and Mohd Aizaini Maarof (2008). Volume- Based Network Intrusion Attacks Detection. Advanced Computer Network and Security, Penerbit UTM Press, Vol. (1), No. 1, pp. 147-162.
- The Future of Office – Immersive Human-Computer Interaction (2021). UTM Nexus 4th Edition
- Productivity 4.0 – Employee Health, Safety and Environment through IR4.0 (2020). UTM Nexus 1st Edition.
Postgraduate Supervision
- Kamarulzaman Panatik – Intrusion Detection
- Muhammad Al Zahrani – Information Security
Postgraduate Supervision
- Massolihen – Scalable IoT Data Management Technique
- Muhammad Sulkhan Nurfatih – IDS Blockchain
- Eko Arip Winanto – Vanet Blockchain
- Maqsood Mahmood – Secure and Efficient Iris Template Protection Method
- Deris Stiawan – Active Response Intrusion Prevention Using Dynamic Parameters Selection
- Wong Lih Fong – Enhanced Edge Function Stroke Width Transform Algorithm
- Ziana Yahya – Service Interface Mediator Mechanism
For More Info
Research Keyword : Software
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