18 Mar, 2021 | News, Uncategorized
Assalamualaikum wrb,Kami, dari UTM Ocean Thermal Energy Centre (https://research.utm.my/otec) mengucapkan Takziah kepada Balu & semua Ahli Keluarga Allahyarham Prof M Dr Mas Bambang Baroto. Semoga roh beliau dicucuri dengan segala RahmatNya, dan diletakkan...
15 Feb, 2021 | News, Research, UTM OTEC Programme
Under the umbrella of the International Energy Agency (IEA), there is a Technology Collaboration Programme for Marine Renewables, which includes Tidal & Currents, Ocean Thermal Energy, Salinity Gradient and Waves, championed by Ocean Energy System (OES). UTM Ocean...
27 Jan, 2021 | News, OTEC Event, Uncategorized, UTM OTEC Programme
The International OTEC Symposium is an annual event that brings together OTEC industry, researcher, students, market experts, NGO’s and governments from all over the world. The symposium was originally scheduled to be held October 2020 in Cancun Mexico. However, the...
22 Jan, 2021 | News, Research, Uncategorized
We are looking for full time Postgraduate student to join our team at UTM OTEC. Interested candidates please email your CV to utmotec@utm.my or sathiabama@utm.my
13 Jan, 2021 | News, Research, UTM OTEC Programme, Video
UTM Ocean Thermal Energy Centre (UTM OTEC) has recently developed a virtual reality tool to explain the basic concept of power generation & desalination process in Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) system. The objectives of this project are to promote OTEC...