The 30 minutes iHumEn Publication Clinique was held virtually through the Google Meet application on Thursday, 24 June 2021. The publication clinique series is part of the initiative, the road to the high impact publication organized by iHumEn Publication Committee. The event was moderated by Dr. Syafiqah Saidin, the Chair of iHumEn Publication Committee, Deputy Director of IJN-UTM Cardio Centre. At the same time, the sharing session on the publication clinique was delivered by the invited speaker, Mrs. Siti Khadijah Lukman, a PhD candidate in Biomedical Engineering.

The event was attended by almost 30 participants, including academic and support staff and postgraduate students, mainly from Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Some of the participants are from other schools. Main focus of this program is to improve and enhance the capacity and the quality of iHumEn in producing high impact publications through scientific research and innovation.

During the event, the speaker has shared her first experience in Q1/Q2 publication journey. In addition, he also gives the tips needed to be a good researcher. Among them are developing great collaborations, choosing the best journal, manuscript writing strategies, the peer review process, identifying research gaps, open access considerations and profile reviewers and impact researchers.

It is hoped that this publication Clinique will motivate the researchers and all the iHumEn members to publish the high impact publication in their respective disciplines and area of expertise. Thanks to the moderator, speaker, and iHumen publication committee for the initiative in organizing the publication clinique and all participants who contributed to the event’s success.

Research Ecosystem
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM Nexus - Research & Innovation

Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation)

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Higher Institution Centre of Excellence (HI-COE)

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