The Institute of Human Centered Engineering (iHumEn) hosted a half-day program with iHumEn members on March 8, 2021, aiming to share the activities carried out throughout 2020 and 2021 with his members. The meeting was successfully conducted virtually through the Cisco Webex application.

The meeting began with the opening address and was officiated by Prof. Dr. Mohd Shahrizal Sunar, Institute Director of iHumEn Institute. The program was attended by all four Directors of the Research Center, fellow members of iHumEn, including academic, support staff, and students. Among the participants present were Prof. Dr. Ida Idayu Muhamad, Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Rubita Sudirman, Ts. Dr. Muhammad Hanif Ramlee and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shukor Abd Razak.

Among the tentative throughout the program including the video presentation of iHumEn throughout the year of 2020 activities, the presentation of accomplishments of 2020 from all Directors of Research Center, Dr. Ahmad Zahran Md Khudzari, the Director of IJN-UTM Cardio Centre, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ardiyansyah Syahrom, the Director of MEDiTEC, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yazid Idris, the Director of MaGICX, and Dr. Muhammad Noor Harun, the Director of SITC. The sharing session on the 2020 achievements of iHumEn and the action planning for 2021 also was presented by the Institute Director of iHumEn, Prof. Dr. Mohd Shahrizal Sunar

In addition, the iHumEn Bulletin was also introduced during the program. It was ended with the lucky draw session where the participants were also given ten lucky draws, with 4 of them being sponsored from Research Centers, namely IJN- UTM Cardio Center, MaGICX, MEDiTEC, and SITC. It was a fruitful program as it has successfully gathered all the members of iHumEn with almost 50 participants.

Research Ecosystem
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM Nexus - Research & Innovation

Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation)

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Higher Institution Centre of Excellence (HI-COE)

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Centre of Excellence (COE)

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