A panel discussion on gamification vs game-based learning was held on 10 June 2021 and broadcasted through official Facebook Live and YouTube Live of iHumEn. The forum was moderated by Prof Dr Mohd Shahrizal Sunar, the Institute Director of the Institute of Human Centered Engineering (iHumEn), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). A thorough discussion was shared by the three invited panellists, Mr Santeri Koivisto, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), TeacherGaming LLC, Finland, Mr Sheikh Faleigh Sheikh Mansor, the Founder of Futurist Foundation, and Mr Tim W, the Founder of indiegamesplus.com.
This online webinar series aims primarily to maintain sustainable innovation and strategic development for service, research, and academics in science, medicine, and technology. Also, to close the gap on the misconception of the addressed topic while providing insightful sharing experiences from the experts. The discussion covers the importance of teaching strategy in education through Game-Based Learning, which plays an essential role in making the students, teachers, and researchers have positive communication, collaborate, and interact with a dynamic team. Effective gaming practices and strategies could inspire learners to develop multi-skill sets and build an emotional connection and interest in learning, subject matter, and expertise.
Among others, the question asked by the moderator and audience are as below:
- Confusion about the terms Gamification and Game-based learning. From your definition, what is Gamification and Game-based Learning? What are the differences and similarities?
- Currently, there are many game-based learning products available in the market. What is your general opinion about the gamification element in most game-based learning products? How can the learning process be gamified?
- While game-based learning focuses on achieving goals and learning outcomes, not all game-based education has a gamification element. How can we combine and blend gamification in game-based learning?
- In the game industry, what gamification element is the most important?
- Can game-based learning be implemented in higher education, and what are the differences in its implementation in pre-school and primary education?
To find out the answers, watch this recording from the iHumEn Youtube channel at this link: https://youtu.be/-kFVQICImEM or use this QR Code.