Dr Aizreena Azaman, a research fellow of Sports Innovation Technology Centre (SITC), Institute of Human Centered Engineering (iHumEn), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), and her team members Ms Maisarah Sulaiman, Ms Husnir Nasyuha Abdul Halim, and Ms Anis Jasmin Sufri, were received an invitation from the Child Development Unit & Rehabilitation Centre (CDRC), Hospital Tunku Azizah (HTA), Kuala Lumpur.

The visit and the knowledge-sharing session were also attended by Dr Nor Hanim Mohamad Hanapi, Rehabilitation Physician from Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL), Dr Suhaila Omar, Pediatrician (Neurodisability) from HTA, and Medical Officer from CDRC. This initiative was successfully organised as the current research conducted by Dr Aizreena, and her team is relevant and significant for potential collaboration with HTA, especially in need of clinical expertise and available research instrument at the Gait Analysis CDRC established in 2019.

The Gait Analysis CDRC, HTA, warmly welcomed iHumEn researchers to collaborate and encourage laboratory usage, not limited to clinical evaluation. However, it could be further expanded on the use of the laboratory for relevant research purposes.

Dr Aizreena shared her current research and highlighted her experience and expertise in the motion capture system tools and their regular maintenance. The team of BTS Gain Lab demonstrated the use of motion capture system tools. A thorough discussion was explicitly addressed on the future programs such as organizing related seminars or workshops, partnerships, consultancy, and potential collaboration that bring more value and benefits for both parties, UTM and HTA.

It is hoped that this fruitful knowledge transfer and sharing of expertise session is possible to enhance national capacity through technology transfer and consultative services, nurturing creativity, and innovativeness within the niche area, and expand translational research nationally and globally.

Research Ecosystem
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM Nexus - Research & Innovation

Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation)

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