To stay healthy and remain productive in life is a blessing. Despite eating right and being active, a healthy lifestyle is a real health and includes having enough sleep, practicing mindfulness, appropriate stress management, keeping mind and body fit, engaging socially, and more.

Institute of Human Centered Engineering (iHumEn) in its initiative in strengthening the level of health among its members and researchers has successfully conducted an impactful healthy lifestyle event, the iHumEn Fun Run & Kayak 2022 on 28 September 2022 and 6 October 2022 respectively at Azman Hashim Stadium and Tasik llmu, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).

The iHumEn Fun Run begins with a briefing session delivered by Mrs. Shaleena, Research Officer at Sports Innovation and Technology Centre (SITC), iHumEn followed by warming up (stretching), running session, and cardiovascular fitness activity.

The iHumEn Fun Run offers a lot of benefits such as helping to build strong bones, as it is a weight-bearing exercise, strengthening muscles, improving cardiovascular fitness, burning plenty of calories, and helping maintain a healthy weight.

While kayaking, before the start of the event, the participants were briefed by the kayaking coach, followed by appropriate stretching, kayaking session, and cooling down activity. It was a fruitful kayaking experience and it is believed that kayaking is proven to support the back, arms, shoulders, and chest, by moving the paddle, also increasing muscle strength and improving cardiovascular fitness.

This great event shall be done from time to time as it provides significant impact to everyone who joins it, it symbolizes that iHumEn is concerned and responsible for the fitness level, mental health, emotional support, and well­being of its members, in which through participation in this event it is potentially to yield the positive outcomes in daily routine and remain proactive at the workplace with high­-performance delivery.

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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM Nexus - Research & Innovation

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