SITC is pleased to receive a visit from RTM Sports News on July 1, 2020. Among the objectives were to promote awareness to the wider audience on the roles of UTM and SITC scholars in sports and let the industry know about SITC consultancies offered in the field of sports science. The RTM delegates were given a tour of SITC laboratories and were introduced to the equipment in the labs for teaching and research purposes. Besides that, they were briefed on the roles of UTM and SITC scholars in sports.
Also in attendance were the Dean of UTM Engineering Faculty, Prof. Dato’ Ir. Dr. Mohammed Rafiq, and the Director of iHumEn, Prof. Dr. Mohd Shahrizal Sunar.
It is hoped that SITC and RTM can collaborate and form a strategic partnership with the sports media to highlight the latest findings in sports research and add more scholarly perspectives in televised sports programs.