SITC, iHumEn have hosted a series of sports analysis webinars in Malaysia from July 1 to August 25 2020 on Youtube and Facebook Live. The in-depth sports analyses involved fencing, judo, netball, and athletics and were moderated by the Deputy Director of SITC, Ts. Dr. Hadafi Mohd Latip. The goal of this program is to introduce sports technology in various types of sports in Malaysia, increase the awareness and understanding of sports among the current Generation Y, and produce great athletes at the school level.

The fencing analysis webinar featured Coach Rafiuddin, a former national athlete and Malaysian sports school trainer, Cikgu Zharif Zakaria, a former state athlete and sports science coach, and Natasya Eryna, also a former national athlete and the Head of MSNJ Corporate and Communication Unit (Johor State Sports Council).

The judo analysis webinar featured Coach Othman Nizam, an MSNJ Titanium judo coach, Mok Judo, a national Judo and MMA athlete and National Exemplary Teacher, and Cikgu Mohamed Izzat, a former national judo and sambo athlete.

The athletics analysis webinar featured Coach Poad Md Kassim, the Head of Athletic Coach in Malaysia Sports School, Badrul Hisyam Abdul Manap, a national sprinter and UTM sports science student, and Khairul Hafiz Jantan, a national athletics athlete.

The netball analysis webinar featured Aruna Santhappan, a former national captain and ISN Sports Psychology Officer, Puah Pei San, also a former national captain and coach at Malaysia Sports School, and Khairunnisa Nazri, a current national athlete and UTM sports science student. Moreover, it is hoped that this program can inculcate the importance of sports and active lifestyle among the millennials, discover potential athletic talents to be groomed for the international level, and gain enough support and allocation for Malaysia’s sports development from certain parties.

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